Izuku Midoriya

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Apologies for disappearing I lost my book where I write all my story ideas in so I had to look for it.


The bright light starts to fade. I blink to adjust the new brightness and notice I'm looking up at the sky. I sit up hissing from how weak my body feels. I look around and I'm in the middle of a forest, but it wasn't like the forest that surrounds my home. This forest was darker, there was more shade here as the trees were grown unnaturally close to each other. My thoughts were interrupted by Tenshi's yell, "Y/n! Are you okay?" I turn towards her voice as she flies over to me with incredible speed. "Thank goodness you're here. I was so worried when I was by myself." Tenshi muttered hugging me as tight as she could.

I coughed a little then laughed, "Yeah Levy and Lucy did well with that spell didn't she."

Tenshi nods before looking up at me, "They did. I'm glad we were just a couple of meters away from each other instead of cities."

"Or even countries away, here are you're crutches Y/n," Pantherlily says as he passes me my crutches.

"Thank you." I smile at him.

Tenshi rapidly lets me go and goes behind me to pick me up. Sometimes I forget how strong she is even when she's a cat even though she takes me on flights when I don't have enough magic to transform. I take my time balancing myself with my crutches so I don't fall and break something else. Tenshi lets me go and they both stand next to me as I take a couple of steps. I try not to hiss with every painful step I take. I'm able to get used to the pain as a walk so I turn towards my two cat friends, "Thank you you two. I'm sure I can walk to U.A. from here."

Tenshi and Pantherlily look at each other before looking back at me. Tenshi talks first, "Are you sure? You're really hurt."

Pantherlily nods, "I don't think it's wise to go by yourself."

I give them a reassuring smile, "I'll be fine. I promise after I find who I'm looking for I'll go to the dorms and rest."

"You better," Tenshi grumbles before giving me a hug and flying away.

"Make sure you stay safe," Pantherlily tells me then flies after Tenshi.

I watch them leave and start walking in the direction to U.A. at least I hope it's to U.A. 'I should have asked them to get the direction to U.A. for me.' I complain in my head as I continue walking.

After walking what feels like a long time a start hearing heavy footsteps coming in my direction. I turn around and I'm immediately met with Hound Dog U.A.'s school guidance counselor. I haven't seen him for any guidance counseling but I've been recommended to go. "Why are you here?" He snarls at me.

I look up at him with a shaky smile, "Uh hello. I kind of need to see Recovery Girl."

He scoffs at me, "That much is obvious but I still need to do patrols. I'll get someone to come to get you." He starts walking away.

"Wait you're going to leave me?"

"Didn't you hear what I just said. Use that memory of yours sometimes." Then he disappears among the trees. I am not sure how long I just sat down on the grass floor and waited but I was enjoying the scenery when medical robots showed up with a stretcher. They helped me get on the stretcher before I'm carried to Recovery Girl. 'I am not ready for her scolding and potential beating.' I start whining in my head.


Now with a bump on my head and feeling, I'm going to pass out I lay in a medical bed. I already gave Recovery Girl my note Porlyusica told me to give. So now I'm just laying in bed needing to sleep but also not wanting to because of everything going on outside. 'I wonder what's happening.' I ask myself as I finally bring enough energy to sit up and look at everyone on the ground floor setting up many different stands. "Is there a festival going on?" I rhetorically ask.

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