Chapter 34 - Getting Katsuki Back

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Apologies for the late chapter, had finals last week so expect more chapters weekly or even sooner! (because I don't have finals until late May or early June)

I stand in front of the building getting ready, I had already informed them that Katsuki was definitely in there. It was easy to smell him and I caught the scent of many of the villains that were part of the villain attack on the camp. "Alright Y/N stay here with Endeavor. Don't make me regret this." Aizawa tells me as he and All Might get ready to infiltrate the main base of the villains.

"I know, stay out of the fight because I'm not a hero yet. You told me many times."

Aizawa looks at me suspiciously still used to my impulsive behavior which is understandable. I want to go in there and rescue Bakugou myself but I can't. And I hate it, even though I have more control over myself I still have that urge to help and protect him. I may not be smart, and I may no longer be bold and reckless but I still care about Katsuki a lot and I hate just standing here only being able to wait until the actual heroes rescue him.

"Well get him L/N. There's no need to fret." All Might tells me.

"Alright everyone, get into your positions only L/N really knows what's happening in there." The detective tells us. We all wait silently as I continue listening to the conversation that's happening inside.

I whisper into the mic, "Katsuki's yelling I can tell he's nervous from his dense breathing."

"Alright, anything else?"

I listen closely, "Shigaraki just said it was time to put Katsuki to sleep. There will be no way to get him after that villain puts Katsuki into a marble again."

"Everyone move in!" The detective says trusting my word. I walk backward so I don't get in the hero's way. I've done all that I can as sad as it is. I don't want the entire operation at stake just because I couldn't hold my impulses back. I hate the laws this world has more importantly the power the council here holds to keep those laws in place.

All Might breaks the wall into the side of the building, I just continue to watch from the ground even though the room busted into was upstairs. I see the wood hero use his quirk to capture everyone. I can tell because of all the confused yelling and one of them saying the binds were too tight. Then Gran Torino gets in and another hero like Edge Shot. I stand next to Endeavor as he throws a tantrum about not getting to fight anyone.

I hear some yelling from the heroes, confused yelling, I look at the detective, "Tsukauchi something's wrong!" Then scents similar to Nomu's appeared as Katsuki's and the villain's disappeared. One of the Nomus launched at me and I made my wings appeared as I flew up and away from it. I know better than to attack when I'm not allowed to. I catch Katsuki's scent once again and I snap my head in that direction, I start to fly off when I remember I cannot abandon everyone. I return to the building as All Might flies off to the other direction where I picked up Katsuki's scent from.

Aizawa looks at me, "Y/N go after Katsuki that's your new mission, you are not allowed to harm anyone but use your quirk for the rescue I know you can." I only nod and fly off following the scent.

"No need to tell me twice Mr. Aizawa," I mutter to myself as I try to keep up with All Might's godly speed.

It took me two minutes to fly over to where Katsuki's scent was and in those two minutes, I barely dodge All Might who was thrown back my way. I look to All Might--who was laying in rubble from destroyed buildings-- in shock, 'Isn't All Might supposed to be the strongest person in this world? His quirk can compare to Zeref's magic.' I look to the person wearing a suit and large mask covering his face, 'Who is that? He looks like the Zeref of this world.' All Might flies past me and goes to attack the man in a black suit again.

'How are there two people who rival the power of Zeref himself. I thought I would be done meeting crazily powerful people after Zeref and his soldiers.' I think to myself as I constantly look over the area. I see everyone fighting as the League starts surrounding Katsuki before ultimately fighting each other. I want to think of a plan but there isn't time, I can't hurt them but that doesn't mean I can just stand by and let them take Katsuki. I start focusing on my transformation magic, "God I hate transforming into a dragon." I mutter to myself as I transform into a 10ft (about 3 meters) dragon. It's the largest I can get to now ever since that ordeal at the camp.

I shake my head, 'Can't think about that now. I need to save him!' I fly up now and yell at them gaining all their attention, "Katsuki get out of the way!" He uses his explosions to back himself up while I stand in front of him as a shield.

"Let's cut him down to size," Toga says while looking at me. The League wastes no time to hurt me as I use my tail and paws as a threat. I have to be careful to not hurt them or else I'll probably get into trouble.

"I didn't need your help Y/N!" Katsuki yells at me.

I look back and give him a small smile, "I know you didn't. But the heroes wanted me to save you even though I knew you could rescue yourself." He stands there surprised, I look at the League and put some distance between us and them before turning back to look at Katsuki, "Katsuki I cannot hurt them. And that doesn't mean you can either." I look at the villains who are getting ready to deal with us both, "But I'm sure the heroes will reconsider punishment for you knowing how ruthless villains can be."

Katsuki gives a wide smile, "I like the way you talk Y/N." He gets his explosions ready, "Let's blow their asses sky high."

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