Chapter 27 - Swimming with the class

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Summer came and I got more hours in the shop waiting and hosting making sure all customers were well taken care of, additionally to that Tenshi wanted me to bring her back some cake after each shift. She's adjusting to not getting magic back immediately again so things have been better for us and she's not tempted to get angry at me again by the magic shift.

I'm on my way to U.A. Tenshi had invited me to swim with her and the girls and to bring a snack and drinks for them so I'm going mainly to drop off cake and drinks for them I bought last shift. But I might as well drop off that packet I needed to, I wonder if it's alright to give it to Mr. Aizawa instead, it'll eventually get to Nezu since Tenshi is really adamant about eating her cake.

I opened the door to the teachers lounge I'm guessing and I gave Mr. Aizawa the packet for work which he was skeptical about allowing me to work but seeing that it was a legal job this time he didn't care much and said he'll give it to Nezu. I am near the pool area and I can already hear the splashing from water, I shudder just thinking about the moving water.

I walk in and see not only the girls but the majority of the guys too, "Oh hey you guys." I say and I get waves or good afternoons back.

"What's going on?" I question still holding onto the food in my arms.

Ojiro looks at my direction, "Oh well we were invited to do some training in the pool did you not get the text?"

"Um I just got off of my shift and Tenshi asked me to bring her and the other girls some food so that's what I came here to do." I look around and spot Tenshi and everyone else stretching. "Have fun swimming everyone." I say with a smile as I walk over where the girls were at and set down the coolers with drinks and cake in the shade.

"About time you bring the cake Y/N!"

I get annoyed, "Oh yeah why don't you just show up at work next time to retrieve your cake!" Tenshi has a glint in her eyes, "You better not! I will not serve you!"

"Too late already made up my mind." Tenshi teases and sticks her tongue out at me.

"At least bring your own money." I complain.

"Well thanks for bringing us food." Momo thanks me and everyone else thanks me.

I smile at them, "No problem, I wasn't sure which drinks or food I should get so I sort of just got what I could afford from the market and my cafe."

We soon hear yelling and we turn to see Kaminari and Mineta show up, the girls greet them as well since they made such a weird entrance and we see them get hugged by Tenya before dragged off yelling, "This wasn't the plan!" I only shrugged my shoulders and turn my attention back to the girls who are going to stretch.

Everyone started getting into the pool to swim and I looked at all the different ways everyone was swimming, the guys were really doing intensive work and the girl were playing volleyball, sort of. It was cool seeing them enjoy the water but I'm glad I don't need to go in it, I'll just finally rest as I wasn't given much of a break during work as a lot of people wanted my attention. Sometimes I wonder how I can even care for all those people at once and this what makes me appreciate people in costumer service a lot more.

The girls took notice of my resting figure and attempted to talk in hushed voices and be a little quieter when eating and drinking the different food I had bought thinking that any noise could wake me up since my senses are heightened. That plan however was thrown away as I woke up to the sounds of explosions and Midoriya feeling terrified trying to back away from an angry Bakugou challenging him to do his best at a race. We all decided to see what was going on and heard Iida propose they do a swimming competition, Momo volunteered to count down and the guys got ready to swim in three groups.

I watched the first group take off swimming except for Bakugou who opted for using his explosions to fly over the water. When he reached the other side everyone complained about how he didn't even touch the water he got angry and yelled, "It's called freestyle swimming!" I think about what Katsuki said, 'Is there something called freestyle swimming that allows you to not touch the water? What even is freestyle swimming?'

It was the second's group's turn to swim, "Ready. Set." Momo blew her whistle and everyone took off, Todoroki was first he practically did the same think Bakugou did except he slid on his ice which was cool to see. The same people complained how everyone's supposed to be swimming and not avoiding the water like Bakugou.

The third group was getting ready and then someone called me over, "Hey Y/N want to swim too?"

I backed away from the pool, "No thanks I don't even have the proper clothes."

Katsuki didn't like that answer and started exploding his hands, "That doesn't matter I want to kick your ass in this race!"

Ochako obviously sees my discomfort, "Are you scared of the water?" She questions.

I shake my head, "It's not that I'm scared it's just." I look at the moving water and just thinking about the moving water makes me want to barf so I look away while covering my mouth just in case, "The water moves."

"Are you fucking serious! You mean to tell me even the slightest movement causes you to throw up!" Katsuki yells at me.

"Well there is no reason to make him swim." Iida tells everyone and everyone but Katsuki agreed to this idea. Everyone lined up getting ready to swim and Momo blew her whistle everyone in the third group took off and it was a close call between Tenya and Midoriya but Midoriya touched the wall before Iida could so it was his win.

It was finally the last round and everyone was hyped up seeing 3 of the top 5 students race like this. So when Momo blew the final whistle for the final race everyone was confused as to why they weren't using their quirks and Denki voices it out, "What happened?"

Sero asks, "Why aren't they using their quirks?"

Aizawa walks to us and bluntly says, "It's five pm your authorized pool time is over hurry up and go home."

"Come on just one second." "Yeah, we were just getting to the good part." Denki and Sero interject.

Mr. Aizawa looks at them with a scary look it reminded me too much of home, "Are you questioning me?"

"No sir." Everyone says shuddering in fear when Aizawa looks at us.

Tenshi continued eating her cake on top of the coolers that I was carrying back home, "You have a problem." I tell her.

"And want are you gonna do about it?" She questions giving me a chance to answer but she would probably hit me if I did, "That's what I thought." Tenshi continued eating her cake happily while I suffered getting everything home.

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