Chapter 31 - Too Late

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Once I gained Katsuki's scent I made it my goal to protect him at all costs, I may not have my wings but I still have magic and I will use every bit of it to ensure his safety. "Tenshi we're close." I stop in my tracks abruptly.

"What happened? Why'd we stop?"

"His scent it just, disappeared." I tried finding someone else's scent, "But, I think I caught Shoto's scent." I start running again, "He's just up ahead with some others, and he was with Katsuki so he's the safest bet to finding out what happened to him."


///// 10 Minutes Earlier /////

'I stand here in front of my first villain fight today, against someone who really wants to kill me.' Midoriya thinks as he gets ready to fight muscular with a shaky smile on his face, 'Oh man this is so bad.'

"Hey, I promise everything's going to be alright. I promise you'll be safe." I tell Kota who is crying and shaking.

"Are you saying you're going to save this little brat? That's sure something a wannabe hero would say." The blonde male villain named Muscular tells Midoriya who's trying his best to not give in to fear. Muscular sends a punch towards Midoriya who blocks it with his left arm but the punch was hard enough to slam him into the cliff. "Hey, first you might be able to help me. Do you know where anyone by the name of Bakugou is? I still have a job I need to do after I kill you." Muscular throws another punch which Midoriya dodges. "I'll take your silence as an I don't know. Oh good then," Muscular kicks Midoriya before he slams into the ground and Midoriya's head starts to bleed. "Yes blood, that's exactly what I wanted to see! Didn't you promise that everything was going to be okay? Now, how's that working out."

'That muscle quirk of his is too powerful, I can't worry about Kaachan right now or else I'll be killed. I have to battle him and think of a plan and fast.'

Midoriya punches Muscular but it didn't even leave a scratch on him, "You're fast but you're not strong enough to hurt me!" Muscular pushes Midoriya back. "My quirk increases my speed and strength so exponentially that my muscle fibers can't even be contained by my skin... I know I'm bragging a bit but come on do you think any punch you throw at me will hurt me! You're an inferior version of me!" Muscular constantly throw punches left and right at Midoriya that he can hardly keep track of where they're coming from. "Don't make promises you can't keep, live up to your words or they mean nothing! You're no hero you're just a fraud!" Muscular pulls his arm up about to smash it down on Midoriya, "And you'll die like one!" but a small rock was thrown at him. Muscular turns back to see Kota who threw that small rock with a terrified look on his face.

Kota frozen with fear could only move his mouth, "Remember water hose? My mom, and my dad. Did you torment the two of them too? Before you killed them?"

"Seriously? Those losers were your parents? Well then this must be fate, the water hose heroes are the reason as to why I have an artificial eye in my left socket right now."

"This is your fault, everything is wrong and it's all your fault and crazy people like you."

"Little kids are always so quick to say it's someone else's fault, don't get the wrong idea. It's not like I took them out because I was mad about the eye thing, I wanted to kill people it was as simple as that and those two tried to stop me. The result is what happens when some of us try to do our best." Kota trembles when remembering what he saw on the news the day his parents died, "The real travesty is promising to do something you aren't able to do that's why you're dear old Mommy and Daddy died!" Muscular threatens to hit Kota and Midoriya is back up on his feet fighting, "Nice try but I'm ready for you now!"

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