Chapter 14 - Trouble Begins

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I wake up from sleeping, I was so tired from training yesterday I felt soar but also energized, I looked outside and noticed it was springtime so it caused me to wonder if I had that mating season here too. All us dragon slayers got it at the same time last year, Wendy and I fought over Romeo and after he ran away we fought over each other. It was so random and Erza eventually knocked us out and we were carried to our houses by our exceeds. I remember waking up and I hated being in my bed that I made a cave underground, I looked at my closet making sure everything was ready just in case we do have that Dragon Mating season. I had made this closet that has no steps but it goes down pretty far and it's a cave for me to be isolated and protect everyone else.

I finally go to the restroom and see wings on my back and a long golden like tail, it looked like when I turned into my inner dragon. It was definitely weird but kind of cool, "Oh shit then we do have that season..." I realize, I calm myself down I felt good and didn't feel different so I think I could make it throughout today. Then I could explain to Izuku what might happen if I end up having to leave for a week.

In class

"Hey everybody," I say walking in class. "Woah your wings," Izuku says looking at them then touches them, my wings stiffen and I cover my mouth. "I-Izuku s-s-stop p-please."

He looks at me confused, "Huh? (Y/N) are you okay? Oh no did I hurt you!" He exclaims freaking out I just shake my head, "No you didn't it's just." I just groan embarrassed to tell him this.

"Dragonslayers have this period where we find a mate and well that's why the wings and tail are here, they are to show that I'm a dragon and are also used to make me look bigger to get a stronger mate." Izuku widens his eyes, "So like birds."

"Don't compare me to a bird!" I then realize what I said, "Sorry Fumikage." I apologize to my bird friend who sighs, "None taken." We both turn to sit down but I face him, soon more people come in and Toru starts talking.

"You guys did you watch the news last night? It was so cool that we got a few seconds of screen time. Though I bet nobody noticed me hanging out in the background."

"Probably not." Shoji and I say at the same time to which Ojiro tenses before saying, "It is difficult to stand out when you're just gloves."

Denki pulls his chair back before saying, "We are totally big deals, those news channels love us, we're basically celebrities."

"Yeah, it's kinda crazy, right?" Eijiro pipes up.

"It weird if you ask me." I say.

"How come?" Denki asks.

"Well when I was back at Magnolia the council constantly made complaints that we destroyed too much stuff." I sit back but then hurt my wings I hissed in pain and stretched them out trying to sit comfortably without hurting them too much, my tail is already a pain as it's really long.

I tune back into their conversation and hear, "Oh, shut up! GROW A PAIR LOSER!" I cover my ears, "Katsuki stop yelling." I growled and snapped at him. He only growled back at me which caused me to get angry and growl louder. I realized what was happening and shook my head before I did anything else.

"Attention! Homeroom class is about to begin! Everyone stop talking and take your seats." I look up and see Iida commanding everyone, "You would think someone who is deputy they would calm down." I mutter under my breath.

"Uh we're all sitting." Eijiro points out.

"Yeah, you're the only one standing." Sero tells him to which he swiftly goes back to his seat and grumbles.

The door opens and I see a wrapped up Aizawa, "Wow I didn't even recognize his scent because he smelled like Recovery Girls office." I mutter to myself.

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