Bakugou Katsuki

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I feel dizzy once making it back into Katsuki's world. I knew we had Lev edit the spell and change it so we could come to this specific world but why is it so draining. Oh, right my magic is weird. Well, hopefully, this doesn't go bad.

I open my eyes and I'm in front of U.A.'s gates. I look around and pick up my canes that act like crutches when it gets hard to walk. I look around and see that Tenshi and Pantherlily aren't by me. I wonder how that worked.

I slip on the bracelet part of the canes and start walking into the school. Things were weirdly quiet which makes me assume that everyone's in class. I continue walking in and push open the doors, 'Am I somehow here after hours?' I ask myself.

'If anyone is going to be here when it's quiet it's Recovery Girl. I should see her first.' So now with my new destination in mind, I walk to Recovery Girl's office. Otherwise known as the nurse's office. I twist the doorknob and open it and I see Recovery Girl sitting at her desk.

"Go ahead and sit down I'll be with you in a second."

"Okay Recovery Girl," I say as I start walking I don't miss her shocked face. She then is in front of me which I'm still trying to find how she made it in front of me so silently.

"I never thought I would see you again. And in such conditions too! Come and sit on the bed I need to check you in. Oh my, there's already so much to do and you return with such low confirmation that you ever would."

I was now on one of the many nurse beds sitting there as she rambled on, "Wait. Wait. Recovery Girl, what's going on? And why are you so panicked?"

She takes a deep breath and looks at me, "Oh dearie you missed quite a bit in such a short time you were gone. The class was in grief after your announcement. Only class 1-A truly knew of why you were gone, oh the staff too of course. We are supposed to tell the staff right away if we ever found anyone that just appeared out of nowhere. But before I tell you anything else I'm going to have to run some tests to make sure everything is alright,"

I stayed silent and nod my head as she started doing the tests.


"Oh dear, your sensory nerves are extremely damaged. To a normal human, you would be almost deaf and blind but to your standards, you can only see and hear like a normal human. Don't worry though I can easily fix that up but that means you'll practically be in bed for an entire week. So I'll do that after the festival. As for your body both legs and arms are fractured I'm not sure how you're still moving them. I will fix those first." She kisses my arm and I immediately feel relief on that arm. But also extremely drained.

"Great, I didn't realize how much it pained for me to walk until you did that. But now I'm really tired."

Recovery Girl nods, "That's the drawback. It doesn't harm anyone but drains the energy of the person I'm healing. Anyways you get your sleep. I'll do the other limbs when you wake up again. It's not good to do all at once."

I nod as I yawn, then I remember the note I was supposed to give Recovery Girl, "Hey Recovery Girl I have to give you something."

"Hm? What is it?"

"I don't know but Porchelusca told me to give it to the healer of this place." I lay down and I begin to close my eyes, "She said it was something important."

She smiles before saying, "Don't worry I'll take care of it."

My eyes are now closed as I feel myself slipping in and out of consciousness, "Yeah..." I mumble before finally sleeping.


I am now done with healing my arms, Recovery Girl said I shouldn't heal my legs yet seeing as just healing my arms made me miss an entire day.

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