Chapter 5 - First Day of School

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I officially am walking to school with Izuku and Tenshi sitting on my head looking at all the different things she never got to see two days ago because she was asleep. "I've never asked this (Y/N) but can you read?"

I gasp, "Of course I can read!" This causes Izuku to sigh in relief, "I just haven't done that in a couple of years because of training." Izuku becomes tense again, "Well then I guess we'll find out if you can read then since this weekend we only worked on math, and you could barely make it to the 3rd grade."

"What grade are you in?"

"Uhm I'm a third year of middle school, and you can only do third year of primary school..." I groan at this newfound knowledge, "And theirs so much more!"

"Unfortunately yes but you have 10 months until the exam and everything will get better I promise!" I pat his back, "Alright pal I believe you." I hear a light "Ow." From Izuku but I paid no mind to it as we were at the familiar building.

"Okay I guess I'll give you a tour of the school later, we have to get you a schedule from the front lady." I nod my head, "I'll just stay behind you." We quickly went to a lady at a window and Izuku got my schedule while I looked at the school and how cool it looked in the inside, "Woah you have all the same classes as me."

"Yeah All Might said they made that arrangement so I would have no problem finding my way or whatever." I finally look towards him and see him nodding his head, "Well then we should go to our first class, hopefully you stay near me too." Izuku says while walking in a direction.

"What's that supposed to mean?"

Izuku sweat drops, "Well since you've got here you kind of wanted to fight everybody and got into trouble with the government and Kaachan."

"Kaachan? Doesn't ring a bell." I simply say while following after him and matching his pace. "What! He's the guy you punched that flew like 5 feet away!" I reach up and grabbed Tenshi from my head and held her in my arms so she wouldn't get hit by the top of the doorways, "Doesn't ring a bell." We then stop in front of a door, "Well this will be one of the classes we have for the day." I nodded and we both entered.

"Well nice of you to join us Midoriya." Some old guy told Izuku.

"Uhh sorry I was just showing the new student the way here." The old man nodded his head before saying, "I guess that's understandable but make sure the both of you are on time from now on alright." Izuku nodded his head so I followed his lead, "Well introduce yourself." I nodded my head, "I'm (Y/N) (L/N) and this is Tenshi." I motioned to the exceed in my arms.

"Kid you can't have pets here." I started sweating Tenshi does not like being called a pet, cat, or anything along those lines, "Who are you calling pet!" Tenshi yells this got the whole class surprised, "I may be an exceed but I'm no pet and I would appreciate an apology."

"U-uh yeah I'm sorry miss."

"Thank you." The teacher coughed and said, "Well (L/N) you can sit by Bakugou, Bakugou raise your hand will you." This Bakugou scoffed and rose his hand and I got the message that I was supposed to sit next to him, so that's exactly what I did. "And erm Tenshi you can sit next to Midoriya the boy that brought you both in here." She nodded and flew to the empty seat next to Midoriya which surprised the class again.

Class started and the man leading the class was writing on the board and poor Tenshi couldn't see so she used her transformation magic and looked more humanoid, of course in this transformation it takes up magic energy so this will be great practice for her. The people who were behind and around her were blushing at how cute she looked and Midoriya was wanting to put all of this in his Hero Analysis book but refrained because he would miss the notes his teacher was putting on the board.

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