20. Bathroom

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Y/n stood leaning on the rails of the astronomy tower, taking a breath of fresh air. She needed to calm down and re-think everything that had just happened. After an hour, she came to a conclusion; she really did still love him, he just needed to move his piece now.

It was around dinner time when she decided to go back down. Going down the stairs, someone was coming up. Angelina. Y/n stiffed up a bit, avoiding eye contact since she most definitely heard about the fight.

Angelina sighed with relief when she saw Y/n, stopping to speak to her. Y/n kept going which made Angelina come behind her. "Y/n please I just want to say something" she kept insisting. She reached out for Y/n's shoulder when she spun around at the touch.

"Why should I listen? You obviously didn't listen to the word girl-friend" Y/n snapped a little, but that's to be expected between these two; always having that tension since the first game they played against each other.

"I overheard Percy talking with Oliver, I thought you had broken up" she looked sincere when talking, truly not knowing. "Even if that were so, a day after he breaks up with someone, really?" Y/n raised an eyebrow.

Angelina sighed a bit, upset and embarrassed she was going to share this with someone she never really liked. "I didn't make the first comment, he did. I only went along with it because-" she stopped, really not wanting to say it.

"Because I may have wanted to make someone jealous" she played with her fingers, looking to the ground.

"I have absolutely no feelings for Wood and was not flirting with him for romantic gain" Angelina looked up when saying that. Y/n's face softened and she narrowed her eyes towards her "Why'd you wait so long to say something?" Y/n asked, the tone becoming kinder.

Angelina laughed a little "You've been either locked away or ignore me at all costs" she made a point. Y/n smiled a little at the joke in her voice "Fair" she smiled and they stood there awkwardly for a minute.

"Mind telling me why you've never liked me?" Y/n looked up, Angelina visibly sighing. "It's not that I didn't like you, if I'm quite obvious I envy you" she laughed a little.

"Why me?" Y/n scoffed in a joking manner, the tone still happyish. Angelina raised her eyebrows in the way that she didn't believe she was going to tell Y/n this. "Fred, he was the one I was trying to make jealous. But he fancies you" she kept eye contact with her.

Y/n laughed once again, thinking to herself a fifth year, really?. "All yours" she smiled turning to leave while they were both in a good mood. "Y/n, I really am sorry" Angelina gave a slight smile. Y/n gave a small nod and continued to the dining hall.

When walking down the halls, there was an eerie feeling as though someone was watching her. She shrugged it off and kept going, but being grabbed by the wrist and pulled into a bathroom before she could get there.

She tried to pull her wrist nack, having no knowledge of who it was. Her wrist wasn't let free, but pinned at her side as Oliver stood in front of her. For a second he looked down at her, trying to search her eyes for what she was feeling.

But once that second was up his feelings took over, crashing his lips into hers. It wasn't a harsh or tight kiss but a softer and gentler one; compared to what they had shared in the past. Oliver's free hand came up to cup Y/n's jaw once she kissed back.

It didn't last too long as Y/n pushed him off, realizing fully what was happening. Oliver plastered a sorry look on his face, face dropping with regret. "Use your words Oliver" Y/n didn't show she was happy he had done something.

"Y/n I- I'm sorry. I assumed and overreacted, I shouldn't have told you to leave when I was screaming at myself to tell you to stay. I'm sorry, I truly am" his eyes deepened, showing remorse and regret.

She thought to herself for a moment "Say it. Say it and I'll believe it, but only if you really mean it" she looked at him with dewy eyes and he instantly knew what she was talking about. Oliver took a step forward placing his hands on her shoulders.

"I love you still, Y/n. I didn't stop" he brushed his thumb along her jaw when his hand came up to the side of her neck. Her hands came to rest on his wrists "Thank you" Y/n smiled widely. "Y/n?" Penelopes voice came from the hallway as she came into the washroom.

Oliver let go quickly and went into the nearest bathroom stall, hiding from her. She walked in and saw Y/n. "Damn, I've been looking for you. I wanted to make sure you're okay," she said sympathetically, staying where she was.

"Yeah, I'm okay. I'll meet you at the dining hall" Y/n smiled and didn't move. Penelope narrowed her eyes, finding that Y/n was acting suspicious. "Okay," she piped out and turned, heading in the opposite direction of the dining hall.

Y/n turned with a raised eyebrow to see Oliver coming out of the stall slowly. "She isn't for me apologizing to you, she told Percy I was a dick and a wanker - true, but she would have stopped me from doing this" he answered, kissing her on the lips the same way as before.

"We tell no one" Y/n whispered as Oliver pulled back to kiss her jawline and neck. "Agreed" was a hummed response against her neck. "It's dinner" Y/n acknowledged, with only a hummed response again.

"Ollie" she mumbled which got him to stop and look at her with a smirk "What?" Y/n asked, wanting to wipe that smirk off his face for what he's doing. "You called me Ollie again" he almost burst with excitement.

She pushed his chest lightly and rolled her eyes "You ruined it Wood" she called as she walked out, and to the dining hall.

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