21. Please

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Y/n walked into the hall to see none of her friends at the tables, only a group of boys that contained her former teammates. She walked over, trying not to look over at the boys as she sat down.

As she sat by her lonesome she got to thinking - what the fuck happened. Y/n came up with multiple thoughts as to why so suddenly and spontaneously he decided he wanted to make it right. Thinking about made her stomach turn with the same feelings as before.

Whatever it was, Y/n didn't like it. The thought of going back to him made her happy, but sick at the same time. Like when getting butterflies - you only get them when you're nervous or anxious about something you're unsure of.

After a few minutes of sitting alone with her thoughts, Oliver walked in, catching Y/ns' eye in a second but she quickly looked away. He walked over and sat in front of her. "So how-" he stopped short since Y/n interrupted.

"We're not doing this," she said shortly. Oliver tilted his head to the side a bit, confused "What do you mean?" he shortly asked. Y/n didn't look at him just kept her gaze on a person or thing to the side of her.

"Okay, I'll cut to the chase" he adjusted his seating position to be aligned with her. "I'm sorry, I know it's not enough but please just listen-" he tried to speak but was cut off again. "Percy!" Y/n called and waved him over just as he went to walk away.

Percy slowly turned around and walked over, sitting beside Oliver. The three of them sat there in silence for a couple of moments, Percy glancing between the both of them "What's up?" Y/n asked, seeing his strange looks.

Percy shook his head like coming out of a daydream "Nothing" he smiled and started loading his plate with food. "You know you can talk to the both of us at the same time, we don't hate each other" Oliver insisted.

"Can't speak for the both of us" Y/n muttered, smirking down at her food making Oliver's smile fade and his eyes gloss over just a touch, but he quickly plastered a small smile on his face when Y/n looked up. "Where's Nel?" she asked, changing the topic.

Percy looked at Oliver before answering then went ahead "She said she was going to find you, obviously I found you first" he smiled then his eyes lit "She goes to do things but never actually does them sometimes" he laughed a little, raising his cup to take a drink.

Penelope tapped him upside the head, making him choke back on his pumpkin juice. "I did that one" she smiled and then walked to sit down beside Y/n. "So what're talking about?" she asked sitting down.

"Not sure, I was forced here," Percy said, talking a drink again only to be kicked in the leg by Y/n. Penelope looked between Y/n and Oliver then she began to slowly get up again, knowing why they were sitting together. "Actually I have to go, Percy would you join me?" she got up and started to walk away when Percy set his things down fast and followed her.

"Are you going to listen to what I have to say now?" he asked after there is a few minutes of quiet between the two. "Nope." Y/n got up quickly and started to walk off, but Oliver followed.

"Leave me be Wood. Leave while you're still on semi-good terms" Y/n warned him. But he didn't take it and instead grabbed her wrist gently, making her turn around with anger plastered on her face.

He scoffed slightly "Why is it so hard for you to stop and let me speak?" he airily said, with the same obnoxious tone. "Hard? I can't look at you without thinking about the words you said to me, but yet I could still get drunk on your lips" Y/n exposed.

Oliver's facial expression changed slightly, softening. "I just want to talk, please" he furrowed his eyebrows trying to look more sympathetic. "Can't you get that I'm not ready to talk? I said no at the table and I walked off, but you followed me. Just leave me alone Wood, at least just for a while", she insisted.

He released her wrist and stepped back a little "I'm sorry" he muttered, turning and walking away.


When Y/n got back to her dorm, there were obviously people talking about what had happened with Nick. A group of girls mocked her, so much for girls supporting girls.

Penelope got in a bit after, listening to Y/ns' rant and hugging her afterward, giving her reassuring words.


Around a week had gone by and Oliver and Y/n hadn't said much to each other. Casual hellos and heads nod to acknowledge each other in the halls, but nothing more than a small comment in class or helping with a question.

Y/n went to bed, feeling better than before. She had nothing to worry about or be unsure of thinking that her and Oliver breaking up was the best option; until she fell into the world where nightmares are created.

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