11. Fallen

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While giving her speech of how she will miss a great team and how to play smarter not harder, she was interrupted by the eager boy "Who's the new captain?" She stopped dead in her sentence and looked around the room, with only two seventh years with her. 

Y/n sighed and continued to talk "This was thought about long and hard, always difficult making a decision like this. But I personally think that he will lead you to win the house cup next year when I'm gone so please give a hand to your soon-to-be captain... Davies!" she acted very energetically, hoping they wouldn't see through.

He smiled when his name was said, so wide a bag of grapes could fit it there. Claps were given and a few hollers. "Huddle!" someone called from the corner of the room, continuing what they did before every game.

They circled up and took a moment to really be a team then grabbed their brooms and got into flying positions. Riley coming up beside Y/n "We'll win" he smiled and reassured her since she was pretty worried.

Madame Hooch blew her whistle and called everyone to take their place after a bit of warming up. They got into their places, Harry being across from her again. "Now I want a nice clean and fair game" she bent down and released the bludgar and the snitch.

The snitch went from place to place with Y/n's eyes following it, every time. Hooch grabbed the quaffle and threw it in the air, Nick jetted through and grabbed it racing towards the Gryffindor hoops.

Y/n just focused on finding the snitch, then following it until we were 10 points ahead. All of a sudden the crowd cheered, Angelina had got the quaffle through their left hoop. Their keeper getting upset from it.

She got distracted as a gold flash came by her eyes. Y/n didn't take her eyes off, leading her not to see the bludgar coming right at her "Do you have eyes!?" Riley yelled over once he sped to hit it away but Y/n ignored him and went for it.

Not seeing any bludgars again, and the twins set on winning this game. They aimed for Y/n every time. She was able to dodge lots and while racing for the snitch with Harry not too far behind her one hit the front of her broom, causing her to collide with the ground.

She fell not too far from the Gryffindor hoops so of course, the first person to get to her was Oliver. The whistle blew and the game paused, she sat up as soon as she could not wanting to be kicked out of the game.

"Are you hurt?" Hooch asked her in a serious but hasty voice. "Fine" she gave a slight smile and got up "Can we have a 2-minute break for this please," Riley asked reaching them. Hooch agreed, Oliver helped Y/n up, her pain being in a different spot.

She was sat on their bench and Oliver went back to his own team once made sure she was okay. When he was gone Y/n bossed Roger and Leo to get wrap and tape. "Why?" they asked in unison, thinking Y/n was actually okay from falling to the ground.

"My wrist, it needs wrap and tape. Get it and I'll be fine" she looked them in the eyes and a couple of minutes before they went back on they came back with it. Y/n wrapped her wrist, holding it together with the tape.


"Don't wanna hear it. I'm playing and you two will not breathe another word of this or I'll make sure your positions are not here for you next year," she said this to both of them but mostly the last part to Roger, threatening the captain's position.

Getting back into the game, Gryffindor started to win. As soon as Y/n saw the snitch she didn't hesitate to go. The snitch became close and Harry took note and went after it as well. With it being so close she thought she could get it by just reaching out.

She was right, it was in arms reach. Her finger grazed the snitch when in a flash Y/n had sharp pains running up her arm and into the back of her neck. Y/n fell to the group again from another one of the Weasleys bludgers.

They hadn't been too far up but still high enough that the charm 'Aresto Momentum' had to be casted. When she hit the ground softly all she could hear was Lee Jordan calling that Harry Potter had caught the golden snitch.

She held her eyes tight, trying to stop the tears from coming out of her eyes. Her last chance was gone, just like her future when Oliver got that letter. A single tear came from her eye but disappeared when her teammates came over.

Thye had won by hurting people, mainly her, twice. They hadn't won fair, but then again, they're favored so not much will be done about it. Roger was helping her to sit up while Y/n clutched her arm. Riley bent down to make sure she was okay, but it was clear her elbow was broken as well as her wrist.

Nick and the rest of them circled around them, grabbing the attention of Hooch and Gryffindor. Their team, cheering and celebrating not even caring a fellow student was badly harmed by something they did. The crowd lowered the cheers and watched the situation.

Soon enough Oliver noticed and left his team to check what was going on "Wong way!" Angelina called when he walked towards them. Roger and Riley helped her stand up, realizing her ankle was also hurt badly from the fall even though it was slowed.

"Don't touch me, Wood" she snapped, he stopped dead in his tracks and looked at her. He looked at Riley with confusion and looked a bit embarrassed and hurt by her reaction. "Oh dear, what have we got here" Hooch looked at her, checking what the damage was.

"Probably a sprained ankle, broken elbow, and a broken wrist" Riley responded for her since she was trying to ignore the pain and Oliver's presence.  "You said you were okay," Oliver stated like he deserved an award while Hooch observed the injuries. "I say a lot of things Wood, doesn't always mean it's true," she gave him a pissy response, annoyed by the look on his face.

He looked a little disappointed and upset as well. "Can you take her to the hospital wing?" Hooch asked. Riley and Roger nodded helping her walk "I'll be up later," Oliver said while watching them walk away.

"Yes, don't rush, have your party!" she gave him a look over her shoulder, not happy with him.

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