9. Guilt

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Oliver and Y/n make their way to DADA while talking about what's going to happen after they're done school. But he was keeping quiet and wouldn't respond to her questions "Hey Ollie, you've been really quiet. What are your plans?" she asked, urging him to talk. 

"Oh I haven't quite figured it out yet" but he looked to the ground, she knew something was bothering him.Y/n stepped in front of him and got his attention from the ground. "Oliver Bengimen Wood, you tell me what's bothering you right now or I swear to god I won't come to any of your quidditch games anymore" he rolls his eyes at her but then gives in.

"I'm going to be signing with Puddlemere United Reserve" he had looked her dead in the eyes when he said this. "I just didn't wanna tell you because I'd worry you'd be upset that you didn't get the spot" Y/n only gave him a big hug then hit his arm afterward.

She scoffed and looked him in the eyes "you complete ass, who do you think I am? I'm happy for you. I'm happy you got it, this is great. It's not like I'm going to tell you to choose me or quidditch because we both know how that one is gonna go down. But I'm happy for you"

"I love you," he said softly and gave her a quick kiss on the lips. "I love you too". They walked into class and sat down in their different spots.

 Y/n felt guilty, horrible. She couldn't lie to him, but then again she just did. She knew how much he strived to be a professional quidditch player and how bad he wanted it.

But he never knew how much she wanted it too.

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