26. Place your bets

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Authors note: I'm kinda sorry for this chapter, but kinda not because who doesn't like crying and putting the phone down to breath? Anyways—-sorry.

Tears came out of her eyes like a waterfall, she could hardly breathe. She was jogging through the halls, how could he? Why would he be so manipulative, the thoughts came rushing in about him. How could she love someone who broke her more than once, how could she love him so much yet hate him with all of her heart at the same time? She had her head down jogging when she bumped into someone and fell being caught, his touch felt comforting yet she wanted to punch him.

"I cannot undo what I have done; I can't un-sing a song that's sung. And the saddest thing about my regret- I can't forgive me and you can't forget" - Lang Leau

The day of the quidditch cup was upon them, Y/n had tried to pry Penelope open but there was no use. She would keep whatever Percy told her a secret. It was around 10 am and everyone was in the hall, the Slytherins pumping each other up and the Gryffindors getting all the food they can into them. Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff didn't dare socialize with them as these two houses are very serious when it came to quidditch.

Y/n was sitting at the table with Penelope and occasionally talking with Cho. After a while, it was time to gather at the quidditch field. She walked with Penelope and Percy, but stopped Percy remembering their talk.

"He hasn't told me," Y/n told him looking into his eyes, his smile died. "Huh?" he asked confused.

"I heard you guys two days ago, tell me what by the quidditch cup?" Y/n asked laughing a little but keeping eye contact with the both of them. Percy's hand went to the back of his neck and rubbed it and Penelope looked almost sorry when her eyes landed on Y/n.

"Hey," Oliver said cheerily when stepping beside Y/n entering the conversation. "It's gonna be intense," he said smiling, sensing the tense feeling between them all.

"Did someone die, or?" he asked when no one responded but silence. With that remark Percy scoffed and took Penelope by the hand, Y/n could have sworn he rolled his eyes as he walked away. "Save me a seat!" she called out to them and Percy raised his hand to let her know he had heard her.

She turned back around to be greeted with Oliver's smile. "Y/n, after the game we-," he stopped for a moment to think and then continued, "We need to talk about us." he said looking at her in the eye.

"What about us?" she asked completely unsure what he was referring to, was he talking relationship-wise or whatever they were keeping a secret? "I don't like being apart from you, I l do still love you," he said, no second-guessing himself this time.

Y/n just stood there, she wanted him back and wanted to be with him but some part of her was screaming no, but she couldn't figure out why.

"Okay, we can talk" she told him, giving a reassuring smile. There was a moment where they just looked into the eyes of each other and it felt completely sane and reasonable to get back together. But there it was again, the little voice inside her screaming no. She had no idea why but she listened to it for a moment.

"Well, I'm going to go join them" Y/n smiled but before she turned Oliver bent down and kissed her on the cheek. He had done this every single game as he claimed she was his good luck charm. But he sure wasn't hers.

Y/n smiled and turned around and joined them in the back of one of the stands. She sat beside Percy (on her right) and Penelope who was on his other side. He still had that gloom look he had on when he left Oliver and Y/n, the thing is he and Oliver were best mates. What could he have done to make Percy so mad at him especially for this long?

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