17. A Necklace

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When Y/n woke up the room was cold and empty. She laid there for a bit, not wanting to go out today and having no motivation. But mentally decided she had to, Y/n got dressed and went down to the dining hall to meet Penelope and Percy in front of the doors.

Percy looked almost angry at Penelope but wasn't, only concerned but looked like rage "Maybe you should wait for a minute before going in" Percy said stopping her before walking past them.

"why? Just going to breakfast" Y/n stated turning and going to walk back in. "y/n stop" he was raised his voice a little as she stood at the entrance. "Just, don't go in there yet. Please" Percy warned her looking at her then at Penelope.

"I'm going in to grab an apple, chill" she stated and turned around once more.

Y/n walked to the nearest fruit basket and picked up an apple, turning to walk back to Percy and Penelope shaking it sarcastically. Percy looked a bit worried and Penelope looked like she had won an argument.

As she walked back her eyes wandered the hall, wanting to see if Oliver was up yet or not. Y/n's eyes stopped at Oliver, sitting with Angelina, clearly flirting. Their body langue and expressions made it clear, shoulder touches and small laughs.

Her face dropped of any emotion while Oliver looked up to see Percy at the entrance. Percy pointed at Y/n while looking upset. He turned his head to see Y/n paused, looking at him.

Olivers' smile dropped, now looking terrified. Y/n quickly resumed her walk back, with Oliver now trying to catch up behind her. "Y/n-" he called as she walked past Percy and Penelope, up the stairs and down a corridor.

Y/n had a couple of emotions going through her at the moment. Rage and sadness being the main two, but there was an odd sense of relief she couldn't explain. maybe it was because she would no longer have to keep up or have to keep apologizing and justifying what she does.

But at this point, the sadness had most of her, a couple of tears going down her face when her wrist was caught and she was turned around. "y/n I'm sorry I didn't know that you were there" he tried to make a story.

They reached the top of another set of stairs, half of her told her to push him down or punch him, but the other half wanted to hug him. None of that matters since neither action was taken. "Didn't know I was there?!? Flirting with another girl, a girl that despises me when we are still dating! It doesn't matter if you knew I was there or not, it's the fact that you did it" she yelled, voice cracking in the slightest.

"Here we go, you yelling at me again" he rolled his eye. He had changed his mood so quickly. Y/n didn't know what to say.

"I yelled at you because you insulted me, told me I was a stuck-up attention playing pretend about something serious." she got through a sore throat due to holding back all her emotion.

There was a moment of silence. Oliver couldn't bring his eyes to meet hers, knowing he was fully in the wrong. "Why were you even flirting with her, were you so set on ending it?" Y/n let some of the emotion out once the yelling had died down.

"Thought you'd be with Riley since you went in holding hands last night," he spaced his words, telling the stupid truth he thought. "I told him I didn't want to see him again, and it was his wrist, not his hand" she scoffed, not believing he thought that.

"Is that another lie?" he said with all seriousness. "you think I'd lie to you about something like that?" she let another tear run down her cheek. "So you don't trust me?" she asked, locking her jaw.

"That's not what I meant" he looked up at her, to see the tears on her cheeks that he caused. His face dropped. "Then tell me. What did you mean?" Y/n shifted her weight to one leg, crossing her arms.

Oliver rolled his eyes and put his fists in his pockets, thinking this was all stupid. "Don't roll your eyes, take this seriously" she told him, expression airy. "Why?" he asked, getting upset that it was all falling apart as well. "Because if you don't we're done" Y/n spoke with truth to her every word.

His face switched fast, looking scared. There was a moment of silence before he decided he wanted to speak "You two seemed too close and I didn't want to be that boyfriend that overstepped, but you two are always so close with each other" he looked up.

"It's called jealousy Oliver and for your information he was the only friend I had at Hogwarts starting out, so yea, we're going to be close. If you knew me you'd know that I would never cheat, and it fucking sucks you think I would" Y/n scoffed, not believing what he was saying.

They stood silent, scared of what each other was going to say next. Y/n thought, she couldn't do this, it was too difficult now. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean what I said last night. The heat of the moment, I was angry, and fustrated-" he stopped talking when she stepped forward.

Walking to stand in front of him, Y/n looked at him with her eyes glossed over. She told herself it was only a name, you're over reacting but she couldn't bare with the thought that he always thought she was lying. "Seems like a lot of what you say isn't what you mean lately." she reached into her pocket and pulled out the necklace.

"Y/n no, we can fix this, we can"

"Fix what? You're always going to think I'm lying and I cant be in a relationship where I'm not trusted" she smiled with tears now coming out of both eyes.

"y/n please" he tried talking but she ddin't want to listen to it. She picked up his hand, opening it and putting the necklace in it closing his hand with her fingers. Oliver had a tear running down his face as well.

His lips quivered, trying to find the words to say to make her stay but he couldn't. Y/n turned and started to walk away, hoping he would say the right thing, "Fine, leave" he said with a not so confident voice but a shaky one at that.

She stopped in her movement, trying to cry even more then continued on her way.

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