29. Campfire

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Y/n got to the Weasleys at 5 pm tired and sore from training. She tagged around with Ginny and helped her get things done for dinner. After she was done helping she went back in to find George and Fred snooping in the supplies.

"Expelliarmus" Y/n called, making the bag of marshmallows fly out of Freds' hand. "Whatcha doing carrot top?" she asked and picked the bag up. "Looking for..." he thought and couldn't think of anything.

"Drugs- wait no" George blurted and Y/n rolled her eyes. "You have 3 seconds until I tattle on you" she raised her brows and mouthed counting numbers. They both ascended up the stairs quickly.

She moved to the kitchen to see if she could help with anything else as a thank you for letting them sleep there tonight and have the fire. "Do you need help with anything Mrs. Weasley?" she asked feeling like she hadn't done enough to thank her for letting them stay.

"Oh no dear, don't you worry about this" she smiled back cheerfully. Y/n turned to go to Percys' room to see what the two were up to but remembered she doesn't remember where it is. "Oh um, which room is Percy's?" she asked turning around.

"3rd door on your right on the 2nd floor" she smiled pointing with the carrot peeler. She thanked her and headed up. When she knocked the door opened and she was motioned inside by Percy.

The two were sitting on the floor so she joined but put her back against the bed so she could lean back since her limbs were tired. Her head fell back and she closed her eyes in comfort. She could feel the two staring so she looked back at them "Problem?".

"Tiered much?" Percy laughed a little

"My training started early and I'm sore all over. I already have a bruise forming on my forearm!" she pulled down her sleeve and showed the gigantic mark where a bludger had skimmed her.

"Cheater" Oliver mumbled and smirked at Percy.

"Hm? What's that BETsy?" she asked, making it clear what she was referring to. Percy snorted and Olivers smiled dimmed just a bit. Y/n had been using the situation for humor lately, it helped her.

"Oh so we can make jokes about this now can we?" Oliver asked raising his eyebrows at her. "No, I can make jokes about it. You get to be the butt of the joke" she smiled at him when George called for Percy.

"Percy! Your girlfriend is here!" followed by him saying "Ow! Don't hit me" by George.

Y/n was the first down and across the room, so she could hug Penelope. The hug must have been long since Percy coughed behind them and they turned "Chicks before dicks" she deadpanned and pulled Y/n back into the hug.

Oliver laughed at Percy. Percy looked over at Oliver who was still laughing "Oh shut up Betsy" was all he had to say for Olivers' face to drop. "Now you," Penelope smiled and kissed Percy on the cheek then pulled him into a hug.


After everyone had dinner they decided a friendly game of quidditch would be nice before sundown. Harry and Bill had come tonight so the teams could be split into 5. Oliver and Y/n were naturally the captains are raced each other out, shouting who they wanted.

"I dibs Harry!" Oliver yelled while walking backward so he could face Y/n.

"I call the twins!" Y/n widened her eyes as to mock him. "They're my teammates though!" Oliver looked and sounded upset. "Not anymore their not" Y/n smirked and set a sarcastic tone.

"Okay then. I get Ginny and Penelope" Oliver slapped her in the face with words. He took Penelope. "I get Ron" Y/n stated, straightening her posture to seem a bit taller. "That leaves-"

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