30. Letters

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Dear Percy,

It's Oliver. I hope you are doing alright, I didn't hear any news from you or Penelope after the war and I want to make sure you're alright. I heard about Fred and I'm so very sorry for your loss, he was a brilliant young man. He was going on to bigger and better things, he was a kind and caring person. With his passing birthday, it must have been hard, I hope George is okay. I'll miss going by the shop and his friendly hellos and his jokes, he will really be missed.

I hope you're holding up okay with everything, and send my deepest condolences to Molly and George, to your whole family really. I hope they are doing alright with everything, and I hope you are doing alright. I know you, we were best friends for nine years. Let me know if you hear anything

Sincerely, Oliver Wood

Dear Oliver,

Thank you for reaching out about it. George is holding up, but I can tell he misses Fred so much more than anyone and mum gets emotional whenever he's remotely mentioned. I miss him lots as well and he really was going places.

I heard about y/n, I'm so sorry I didn't reach out either. She was a close friend and I cared for her dearly, it must have been hard to go by her birthday with her gone especially as it didn't follow too long after the battle. I hope you're doing the best you can be doing and are able to move on. I hope to soon get into contact with Penelope and then maybe we can arrange something. Send my condolences to her mother and I do apologize for not being able to make it to the funeral, I was caught up with my own things.

I do hope to see you soon.

Sincerely, Percy

The end

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