23. Nightmares

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After a while, they sat in the courtyard talking about school and catching each other up on what both had missed. Both of them were used to early mornings whether they had early practices or they had to get there before one another to get the field.

Oliver talked about his worries of the quidditch cup game that was coming up after he made sure it was okay he talked about it. It was his last chance to really feel like this was what he wanted his career to be and he was pushed to the max between schoolwork, quidditch, and everything else.

"Up doing your early practices I presume?" Y/n asked knowing the conversation was dying and desperately wanted to keep talking as sleep was not something she longed for at the moment.

He gave her comfort, funny considering how much pain he caused her.

"Yea, the cup is in a few days so just trying to be the best I can be" he said looking down at the ground. "You're going to win" she watched him hand his head, feeling sorry for him. "You know how I know?" he looked over at her, wanting to be reassured.

"Because your the best friggin quidditch player that team has had in a long time and so help me if you don't beat Flint there will be precautions" she laughed a bit, lightening the mood. "Someone's a little bit more passionate about this than me," He said while laughing back a bit.

In a perfect, the sun gazed across his face making his hair look a copperish tone and his eyes glisten. But as that happened a water droplet formed on his nose. He touched it then looked up as it started to lightly drizzle, then turn into full rain.

They struggled to get up, but they did, and as they started to get out of it he grabbed her hand to lead her away. But in the midst, Y/n looked up and stopped - enjoying the feeling of the water on her face.

She let go of Oliver and ran her fingers through her hair as it started to become more soaked. Oliver just stood and watched, confused but smiling at her as to ask what she is doing. As she looked over at him their eyes met a long endearing stare.

She smiled and he walked back, getting closer and sealing the space between the two. Oliver's arms slid around her waist and her hands planted themselves on his shoulders. They both smiled into the soft kiss that was given.

Soon enough the kiss didn't become soft but longing. His hands went up to her jaw and held it while he kissed her while she did the same thing. When they pulled back they looked at each other, both of them happy that they can do this again.

His smile shifted to the side and he grabbed her hand, leading her out of the rain and down a couple of corridors until they met the Ravenclaw common room.

A few more kisses were stolen until Oliver convinced Y/n to try and sleep again. When she laid in her bed again she smiled and drifted off to sleep, happy knowing that when she wakes up she can talk to him normally.


When Y/n got up she was in tears again, not loving what she had just dreamt about. Having the urge to puke once again, she rushed to the washroom and did so.

When coming out Y/n realized she missed the time she needed to meet up with Penelope and Percy. So getting dressed in a hurry, she went down in something that she was most definitely going to be cold in.

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