2. Greese ball

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When they got to Herbology Y/n went straight to her seat. She expected Penelope to came and sit with her as soon as she saw her sit but instead was taken aside by Oliver. Y/n questioned it, then paid no attention as Prof. Sprout came into the class.

As she began to speak Oliver sat down beside her "What are you doing? Sprout may say something, probbally Penelope first" she had a hint of a smile and a surprised tone. "Relax, I asked Penelope if we could switch for today" he responded in a cool tone. She was hesitant to let it go but she did.

Y/n turns back forward and pays attention to what Sprout is saying. After a bit Y/n could hear faint snoring from the side of her. She looked over to see Oliver asleep with his head propped up by his arm. Apparently Sprout noticed too and started to clap very loud, the class joining her not knowing why she was doing it.

"So what did you think Mr. Wood?" she asked him as he woke up startled and started to clap too. "I think it was brilliant Professor, mind blowing" he stumbled on his words a bit but managed a small smile.

"Fall asleep in my class again, detention it will be. You also need to sit in your propper seat next time" she changed her light and happy tone to a heavy and stern tone.


In Defence Against the Dark Arts they all sat down talking, wondering why Lupin hadn't been there yet. Oliver turned around and started to talk to her "I mean Lupin's boggart is the night!" Oliver made a joke of the boggarts, like his wasn't a black room.

Y/n started to laugh, not at Olivers joke but because Lupin had arrived and was standing behind him hearing the whole thing.

"Detention tonight Wood" Lupin had seemed a little frightened but kept a stern face while disciplining. Oliver nodded his head slightly and lost his joking tone.

The class seemed to go a lot faster for Y/n this time. She thought back to the other classes, the jokes, smiles, weird behaviour. Y/n had a thought that wouldn't stop harassing her brain - could Oliver Wood like her? "Y/n! daydreaming are we?" Lupin called.

"Hmm? What?" Y/n was startled back into reality

"Can you repeat anything I said for the last ten minutes Miss. y/l/n?" he asked so delightfully. She shook her head no. Everyone liked Lupin, he was great teacher. But today he seemed off, more strict and snappy. As Y/n went to answer the bell rang, saving her.

She walked out of class but slowed down by Oliver calling for her to wait up behind her. "Detention with Snape, looks like plans are canceled" he told her even though she knew. Y/n was actually looking forward to it so she thought of something, though it was stupid.

"Maybe we don't have to cancel plans" she smiled and then walked over to Snape. "Professor Snape, I have a question" She asked.

"Why is your hair so greasy and ugh why does your hair smell like bacon? Wait do you put bacon grease in your hair!?" She said with a really happy tone in her voice.

"Detention tonight" he said in his smug voice while wearing his smug face. perfect. It was rude, yes, but she thought Snape deserved it after the wacks on the head.

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