In the attic

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Authors note: Hey there again! I was just going through chapters and fixing tiny errors I saw and I thought of a great extra chapter! Also, I'm sorry, but it's going to be a 'sad' chapter, but who doesn't love some hurt! right? In the start it mentions an accident, that's the quidditch accident he had (actually cannon) that led him to be with who he's with :)


After the war and after the accident, Oliver found himself waking up every morning in the same bed, same sheets, but a different girl. But it wasn't a new girl every time it was the same one because she had his ring on. He was soon to married to this woman, in fact, he was to be married in 11 days.

But he laid in his bed, staring at the ceiling, wondering what it would have been like if he had moved out of the way instead of letting y/n take his spot every morning. Oliver promised he'd move on and he had, he just wonders. He still was happy with his life, his fiancé, his friends, and his soon-to-be-born daughter.

It was a late morning as neither of them worked today and had the whole day off to themselves before Percy and his wife came over. Oliver looked to his right to see his fiancé sleeping there, quiet as a mouse, and got up to make breakfast.

After it was done he quietly woke her up with a forehead kiss and gentle rubs on the arm. When they re-entered the kitchen the realization of there being no juice kicked in. "I think I put the extra jug up in the attic" she spoke as she carefully walked down the hall, not pregnant enough to be huge but just enough so that you could tell.

"Why would it be in the attic" he softly laughed and pulled her chair out. "Pantry and fridge were full, and I didn't want to be tripping over it" she sat and smiled up at him.

"I'll go get it" he laughed again and ascended up the stairs to the attic, which wasn't far away. Once he got up there he saw it and went to grab it, but accidentally knocked some things over. "Ollie, you okay?!" She called up the stairs.

"Yeah, yeah. I'm alright, be down in a minute" he called back and started to pick some things up. A box of awards and medals for quidditch, some old things from his dorm at Hogwarts, and a box of things he saw to be a girls, but not his fiancé's.

He knelt down slowly to pick it up, seeing a photo peering out. It was a polaroid of himself, Percy, Penelope, and y/n. He picked it up and carefully looked at it, then grabbed the box and opened the top more.

There was a bunch of photos and momentums - of y/n's. A smile appeared on his face and he laughed a little, seeing a Ravenclaw prefect badge and clips she used to put in her hair.

"Just sit still" Y/n laughed while she tried to put butterfly clips into Oliver's hair. "Why do I need these again?" he asked while finally stilling his head. "I wanna see what'll look like on short hair and if you let me you might get a kiss," she told him sarcastically.

She patted his shoulders "Lookup" he did and he saw himself in the mirror. "Happy?" he smirked and looked back at her. "Very" she smiled and kissed his lips.

He pulled a golden snitch out with a tiny paper tied to it with writing a special snitch from a special night. He laughed as he remembered it, the day Ravenclaw beat Gryffindor. At the bottom of the box was a hoodie, a warm-toned red, it was buried underneath everything. The hoodie of his she wore almost all the time.

He set it down on his lap and smiled down at it, his eyes filled with tears as all the memories flooded back to him. He went to go put it back when something fell out, a shiny piece of silver. Y/n's necklace.

Oliver held it in the palm of his hand and held it close to his chest as small tears escaped his eyes. He had forgotten about all of it, he's gotten over these things, but y/n was never forgotten, always floating somewhere in his head.

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