24. Sweater

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Above is just a map of the grounds so that on their walk you know where they are :)

Walking down to the owlery, Y/n crossed her arms tight as a slight breeze was coming over. The stomach bug she'd had for the past while wasn't helping either as she queezed at certain smells and foods.

As she walked up the steps of the owlery she could overhear parts of a conversation she believed was between two people. "Tell me, are you toying with her or not?" one voice demanded.

"No! Why would you even suggest that!" the other voice exclaimed, as Y/n got closer she could guess who was talking as they sounded familiar. "Then be honest with her, you can't keep this from her forever it's not right" the first voice came again, it puzzled her.

"If you don't tell her before the quidditch cup, I will" the same voice came again before the other could respond. When Y/n got to the doorway she coughed making Oliver and Percy turn their heads towards her.

"Oh hey y/n" Oliver stood there with a hand on the back of his neck and the other in his pocket. "Hey" she smiled. "Wheres Nel, Perce?" Y/n asked shifting her gaze to Percy standing there face flushed pink. "Every damn time she goes looking for you, you just show up without her" his eyes widen in a sarcastic way then drop to the ground in silence.

Y/n looked over at Oliver who she had noticed was staring at her. "You cold?" he half laughed. She looked down at her crossed arms and goosebumps and channeled in yeah actually, really cold.

"Nah, I'll be good" she lied and smiled, hearing Penelope enter behind her. "How are you always here before me" she said huffing and walking over to Percy. He kissed her cheek when she stepped beside him and took his hand.

Penelope and Percy walked out together first, then Oliver gestured for Y/n to go ahead. He followed close behind and sticking to her side.


They walked as a group but around the stone circle, their conversations split into two, and Oliver and Y/n hung back a little. As Percy and Penelope walked ahead, Percy spun Penelope as she smiled and bumped back into him as they continued to go down the hill.

"Cute aren't they?" Oliver laughed a little. "I don't think I've seen her happier" Y/n responded with her eyes still looking straight ahead. She hugged her arms tighter the colder it got.

Oliver scoffingly laughed as he looked over at her. "Cold enough yet?" he asked. She shook her head as more goosebumps appeared. He took his sweater off while laughing a little at her. Y/n accepted it with a sarcastic eye roll as he smiled at her.

When she looked back ahead Percy was laughing and smiling but he turned and made eye contact with Oliver and his smile died a bit, but then came back when Penelope grabbed his attention again.

"What was that?" Y/n asked while furrowing her eyebrows. "Nothing, don't worry about it" he kept a light tone and a smile directed towards her.

They went a couple of minutes without talking, just walking in silence. "Did you mean what you said this morning?" she asked looking over at him. He hesitated to answer, "I mean it's fine if you didn't I just want to know" once Y/n said that he looked over with a mix of shock, stress, and fear on his face.

"I do, it's just everything has gotten so confusing, and-" she cut him off, knowing he'd say something he'd regret. "I get it" she smiled back and his stressed face turned into a smile.

"I found out something bizarre the other day" Y/n started a conversation again, looking straight forward to where they were walking. "Oh yeah, and what's that?" he smiled looking in the same direction.

"Fred Weasley fancies me" Y/n laughed but Oliver looked...confused? Hurt? Stressed? It was hard to tell. "What? Is it bizarre to think you're not the only one who fancies me?" she asked with a laugh. "That little shit" Oliver mumbled under his breath.

"What?" she asked, not hearing what he said. "I said, of course, you're you" he smiled over, but it had changed from what it was before.

Mid-walk Oliver stopped Y/n, looking serious and concerned "There's something I need to tell you. Y/n I-" he started to talk but was cut off by Penelope. "Why are you two so slow?" she asked approaching the both of them with Percy not too far behind her.

"We just take our time" Y/n smiled at her. They both met the other Percy smiled at Y/n but didn't give the same gesture to Oliver. "Y/n can I talk to you?" Percy asked. She nodded and as they all started to walk again Penelope and Oliver lead, Oliver looking back at the two every so often looking concerned.

"Why were you up so early this morning Y/n?" he asked concerned. She looked down to the ground then looked back at him "nightmare" Y/n mumbled then looked back down.

"How bad was it this time?" he asked. He found out about them after Penelope let it slip that Y/n said things in her sleep that shouldn't be said in normal dreams or nightmares. "bad enough to make me sick?" she responded, hoping he'd drop it soon.

"You really should go see Trelawny, she could probably help" he suggested and she shook her head "I'll be fine" she gave a soft smile to try to push that notion. "So how's the stuff with Oliver going?" he asked when he noticed Oliver looking back a bunch.

She smiled at the ground "Slow but good. He said he still loves me but he just seems off, like when I told him that I found out your brother fancied me it's like he-" she went to explain but was cut off.

"Which brother?" he asked quickly.

"Does it matter which brother it is-"

"Yes it matters, what brother y/n?"

"Fred. Why does it-" he just walked away once she told him which one it was. He grabbed Oliver by the arm and started to talk to him. Oliver started to raise his voice and so did Percy.

"He set me up!"

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