3. Common rooms

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When entering detention, Y/n expected to be scolded but she wasn't as Snape himself hadn't even arrived yet. She walked over and set her books beside Oliver and sat down. They started to do work when Snape comes through the door, cape flowing behind him.

In detention, there were six people. Y/n, Oliver, George Weasley, Fred Weasley, Dean Thomas, and Seamus Finnigan. 

A room full of Gryffindors, one Slytherin, and One Ravenclaw. Y/n thought about why she got detention in the first place then she became sarcastic in her own mind, bullying herself that she got in trouble for a guy who isn't even talking to her.

After detention, Y/n walked herself back to her dorm and went to bed. Thinking about how today was stupid and she should never get in trouble for a boy again.


Sitting in the courtyard were Y/n and Penelope. They were going over homework and helping each other out when Y/n heard arguing in the corner. Turning her head to see, she saw Percy arguing with George and Fred with Harry and Rin piping in momentarily. 

A couple of Minutes later Penelope left and Y/n started to think about Oliver and the way he acted. Did he only care for that day? Was it going to be regular? Her thinking was interrupted by Fred sitting down beside her.

He started to hand out random compliments, making her smile. But it wasn't long until Oliver came over and joined their conversation. "wutcha guys talking about?" He asked Y/n and only Y/n.

"Nothing much" She smiled up at him. Fred gave a quick goodbye and went back to his brothers. Percy looked disappointed and so did George but Harry and Ron looked pleased. Y/n's attention was called back by Oliver. "so you free to go to the library, ma'am?" Oliver said with some sort of joke in his tone.

"Number one I'm not ma'am, Number 2 I am free so hurry up or you cant sit with me" She sprang up and started to walk off to the library. She was delayed twice by running into people and when she got to the library, she saw Oliver sitting there waiting for her.

"How did you get here before me?" She asked surprised but all he did was smirk and open a book he never read and never will read as he was too occupied looking at Y/n. One and half hours go by and she decides to pack up, Oliver asks her if he can walk her back to her common rooms and Y/n happily agrees.

By now it's 7:30 pm and most of the people are already either in their dorms or in the common room. When they get to the common room Oliver blocks her from going in for a moment. He just stood there and looked at her, admiration in his eyes.

A strand of Y/n's hair came loose as she looked down but Oliver pushed it behind her ear and held her jaw up "I hope I don't regret this" Oliver whispered loud enough, only for Y/n to hear. He pulls her into a tight kiss and shocked by the moment, she doesn't kiss back. When he pulls away he clears his throat "I should go" he gave a small smile and started to depart.

Y/n didna mean to have that reaction and she wanted a second kiss. So without thinking she grabbed his wrist and pulls him back into another kiss. Oliver's hand slid back up to her jaw as he kissed her back.

When they pull apart again they just look at each other "well then" he spoke, catching his break. "well then" she repeated. They stood there awkwardly for a minute and during that minute Y/n decided to go back to her dorm.

"I'm gonna go" she smiled and walked into the common room and to her dorm for the night.

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