6. Towels

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4 pm

Y/n had talked to Penelope about what Oliver had said. "I'm locking you in the dorm," she said in a flat voice, not up for discussion on it. Penelope went on for another 10 minutes about how gross it was when Y/n finally snapped her out of it. "I'm responsible and my own person" Y/n huffed, glad Penelope had stopped talking for a second.

"fine, you know I should have seen that coming. Before you came down this morning he was asking Percy if he was going to be in the dorm" she said while being dramatic. "So do you really like him?" she asked inquisitively.

"Maybe, why?" I asked inching her for an answer. "Well I just thought that you know, you'd be the one that wouldn't fall for a guy but alas I was wrong" she smiled and Y/n and her kept talking for a bit.

5 pm

When going down for dinner she and Penelope sit down away from the two boys at the Gryffindor table.

6 pm

quidditch practice Y/n thought dreadfully.

8 pm

Y/n stumbled into her dorm, shucking off all her sweaty clothes, jumping in the shower. When she got out she picked out her clothes, not too dressy but not looking gross. She pulled on black leggings a shirt and a cardigan, not too dressy. Putting simple makeup like mascara and chapstick on, she went out the door.

8:45 pm

As she comes out of the dorms, she spots Penelope and Percy in the common room "Hey Percy, what was Oliver doing when you left your dorm?" she asked hoping he wouldn't get curious.

"laying in his bed, said he was going to meet up with you tonight and to give you the password for the common room. Since when did you and Oliver become so close?" he asked another question.

She shrugged her shoulders "Not too long ago, so what was that password?" she asked and got the password and dorm room, leaving the two in the Ravenclaw common room.

9 pm

She knocked don't the door a couple times but no answers. Y/n twisted the doorknob to find it was unlocked so she creaked the door open since she was invited.

"Hello?" she warns anyone in the room. When she fully opens the door the room is dark but the bathroom opens quickly and outcomes Oliver in a towel. "Sorry, didn't realize it was 9 already," he said with a tone telling Y/n that he really did know.

"Oh please, you knew" she replied while taking too long of a glance down toward his V-line. "Yeah, I did" he laughed a little while slowly going closer to her and she's slowly backing up.

"Not going to work," Y/n lightly says, still backing up until she can't anymore. 

He smiled down slightly, "Oh it will" his hand going to the small of her back. Her breath hitched as she looked back up. "It already worked, you're here" he smiled again and then pressed his lips against hers.

In the kiss, Y/n's hands went to his jaw and to his shoulder. Walking backward slowly and still in the kiss, Y/n was able to slip her cardigan off and fall back onto the bed once the back of her knees hit it then he slowly lowered himself as well.

Both sitting on the bed, they return to their kiss eventually laying down with Oliver on top of her. His hand was still on her back as she arched it a couple of times. Soon he pulls her shirt off leaving Y/n in a bra and pants. His kisses traveled down her jaw and her neck, to her chest and stomach.

When getting towards the waistband of her pants, he loops his fingers in it and slowly pulls them down letting his lips follow. Glancing his eyes up to meet Y/n's to see how she was doing, he came back up to kiss her lips ruffer.

Y/n's hand wrapped around the back of his neck and the other wrapped under his arm and splayed on his back. His hand on her waist went up to un-clip her bra and when it unclipped she slipped her arms out fast and put them back to their spots.

Oliver's hand once again traveled away from her waist down to her underwear slipping underneath it grazed his fingers her clit. There was a small gasp from Y/n and he continued to run his fingers along.

Getting to the point where he took her underwear off and pushed his thumb inside then taking it out, rubbing against her clit every time. Her fingers grasped onto his shoulder a bit more until he decided to go over and open the silver package on his bedside.

He took the towel off and slipped it on. Going over top of Y/n again, his hard-on brushing against her inner thigh. Olivers' lips went for her neck again, kissing and sucking leaving marks. Eventually, he pushed inside her earning small sounds from both of them.

As he pumped in and out, Y/n had nails going into his back and her open, gasping mouth beside his ear. He planted his hands beside her to stable himself, going harder on command. Y/n could feel it coming and squeezed her walls, calling out curse words to tell she had come.

A few seconds later he did the same, giving small pumps to ride it out. After a bit, small kisses were given to each other and they ended up sleeping in the same bed that night.

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