10. Boasting

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The next few weeks Y/n felt shitty. She wasn't focused and she worried, worried that she wouldn't get any spots on other teams. She had put feelers out, hoping something would bite back but they never did.

Y/n also had to deal with Oliver and his newfound confidence. He boasted about getting the spot once he knew she was okay. "They chose me!! I'm still in school too!!" or the "Hey don't talk back, you're talking to a future famous quidditch player". She wanted to be his biggest supporter, but she also wanted that spot.

She decided she needed to support him at the moment, at least until he can support her. Going through her mind, thinking back on all her years being in the shadows of other people. Y/n felt as if she tried for another team she would just be overlooked as she was with this team.

Shuddering at the idea of stepping back into the shadows, she brushed it away and concealed her feelings, not telling Oliver anything.


A study group was created containing Penelope, Percy, Oliver, Y/n, Riley, and Nick. The other two boys are also Ravenclaw and on the quidditch team. They all had subjects and they all were able to help each other.

Meeting in the Ravenclaw common room when they could study, sharing their knowledge, and getting prepared for their N.E.W.Ts.

Tonight was the last game for the spot in the final game for the house cup, of course pinning Ravenclaw and Gryffindor against each other. Y/n already had a lot of pent-up anger and didn't need motivation but had to put a 'play nice' face on for her team as well as appointing a new captain for next year.


"I'm sure you'll do just fine, but we'll do better, and win" she smiled and then knocked on his head with a fist "Ouch. That was for?" he asked putting his hand where she had hit it. "Knocking on wood" she smiled up.

Oliver reached over and pulled Y/n in by her waist "Very funny" he had a slight smile and pulled her in for a small kiss. "There she is" he pulled back and smiled at her. Y/n raised an eyebrow, wondering what he was getting at.

"With all the studying and worry for N.E.W.Ts you haven't been happy in a bit, it's getting to the point where it's just depressing to see" he laughed a bit, making her smile drop a little, Oliver thought that was the whole reasoning for it.

Y/n's eyes dropped and looked somewhere else avoiding what he said altogether. "Best go now, game is gonna get going soon" she pulled away and walked off into the dressing room, not giving him a response to anything he said.

On her way to the dressing room, she had to pass the Gryffindor girls with Angelina Johnson coming out of it. All Y/n did was walk past and she gave an angry huff and look, with no context or anything.

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