12. Arm chair

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"Always these pesky quidditch injuries" Madame Pomfrey was scowling as she lead the three to a bed for Y/n. As she laid down the stinging of her ankle and arm came into effect and Y/n looked to see her bone out of her skin a bit.

She fixed up her ankle, wrist, and elbow but Y/n needed to stay in the wing for two nights. Roger and Riley had stayed to keep company, cracking jokes every so often. "y/n y/m/n y/l/n!" Penelope had reached her bed.

"Nice to see you too nel" she said with a flat voice. Riley covered his head because last time Penelope had said Y/n's full name, a book was chucked at his head for no reason. After a bit of talking Roger decided he would head back and give an update to the other teammates.

"you gonna go too?" she asked Riley, still sitting at the end of her bed. "Someone has to make sure Penelope doesn't damage you any further" they both chuckled but Penelope kept a plain face. But then "Hey" Oliver's voice was heard from the end of the curtain.

 Riley turned around to then got off the bed "On the other hand I think me and Penelope are gonna leave for a bit," Riley said while getting up. Penelope followed him out and Oliver took Riley's spot.

"The twins told me about the bludger aiming. I'm sorry I really am, Hooch won't do a re-match since she didn't see anything" he told her with a slight sound of remorse in his voice. Y/n scoffed and looked to the side "What now?" he asked, a bit too sleazy.

She turned her head back to him and made her facial expression change quickly "What now? Oh, I don't know, first; you feel like caring when it's okay with you and your teammates, second; you get my last chance for a future by cheating, and third; the first thing you say to me while I lay in a hospital bed with a sprained ankle and a broken elbow and wrist because of your team is about quidditch and not are you okay!" she huffed widening her eyes.

Oliver looked taken back, he went to say something but stopped and rethought then continued. "Are you okay?" he asked calmly and with a quiet voice. "No, Oliver. No, I am not okay either mentally or physically" she kept the tone from before.

"What's wrong?" he also kept the tone from before, letting her get her anger out. "I don't know, Look At Me! I'm broken and I can't get the house cup, my last chance to prove to the Falmouth Falcons that I'm fit for their team since I didn't get the spot on Puddlemere!" she let out too much as Oliver didn't know about it and he looked at her surprisingly.

His eyes quickly fell to the side of the bed and they sat in silence for a few minutes. Y/n sighed and nudged him with her good foot "I'm happy for you, truly. I just wish I would also have the same recognition because not to boost my own boat but I think I'm just as good as you" he looked up at her, clearly upset.

"You are and other teams will see that and-"

"But they won't care because I couldn't even get into the final game" Y/n sighed, smiling a bit that she was able to get some of the words she's been wanting to say out. "Why wouldn't you say something when I asked after I told you," he asked.

Y/n laughed a little "Oh yes 'hey I just got a really good opportunity and I'm excited about it, oh by the way how do you feel about it?' am I just supposed to be a cold bitch and say I'm upset? No, I'm not because I care" she kept that small laugh.

"Are you ok with me signing?" he asked, thinking she would now be completely opposed. Y/n shook her head, she really was happy and didn't want to ruin his chances. "At least one of us will get our dream" she smiled, easing the tension a bit.

They talked for a bit, eventually ending with Oliver falling asleep in the armchair beside her bed.

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