4. Pecks on the cheek

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Two mornings later, Y/n got dressed in black pants and a blue top and went down for breakfast. When she walked in she saw Oliver sitting with Penelope and Percy. She walked over, sitting beside Oliver and across from Penelope and Percy.

"Morning" Oliver had greeted, with a smirk on his face. "Morning" she responded back with a slight smile. After a bit of talking, Penelope got up very quickly and ran off someplace, not long after Percy left too. After a bit of silence, they decided to talk.

"So you ready to get beat today Wood?" she asked smirking, knowing he had to play her during quidditch today. "in. your. dreams." he says in a flat voice. A half an hour goes by with Oliver and her talking or flirting. Y/n got up after a bit to go get ready, bummed they hadn't talked about last night.

So before she left she gave him a peck on the cheek making him blow up in a blush. She smiled and walked off to the change rooms.

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