8. Don't make fun

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After a while, the four of them go back to the castle since it was dinner time. There were some conversations that sparked arguments but there was one where Oliver called Y/n babe and she burst with laughter.

"You called me babe, I'm sorry I shouldn't laugh. Just that name oh my god" she continued to laugh and he looked at her confused then his mood changed to a defensive one. "Oh shut up" he formed a small smile in the corner of his mouth

"Make me" she taunted, still laughing.

"Fine, my dorm. 8 pm" he walked off, leaving her by herself in the corridor with two hours to spare. She had her dinner then went back to her dorm to kill time but Penelope came back and started to talk to her "You could get pregnant" she said with a flat expression.

"So could you" she responded. They talked back and forth until it was time to leave. When she was walking up to his dorm again she ran into Percy "so your the reason why he kicked me out, great I have to sanitize everything. again" he looked at her, not pleased.

Y/n scoffed a little "how do you think I feel when I come back to my dorm". "fair" he tilted his head a little. She continued but called back the password to him for the Ravenclaw common room.

When getting into his dorm, Oliver greeted her an stood up and walked over to her. "So you stop making fun of me yet?" he got close enough to wrap his arms around her waist. "I don't think so" she smiled and kiss him softly.

"How about now?" he asked again when she pulled back "Nope" and with that response he kissed her, hand going to the back of her neck. The kiss gets more aggressive every time Y/n responds with a form of no.

Oliver walked backward then fell back onto his bed, Y/n straddling him. "Now?" he asked with a smile and kissed her "Thinking about it" she re-connected their lips, her fingers traveling to his hair.

They sit there for a bit, making out when Oliver disconnects them "Last chance," he told her breathing heavily. "Keep your chance" she smiled into the kiss. Oliver smiled as well but soon had Y/n flipped over on her back.

Going down, he pulled her blouse off then her pants. Y/n in turn tugged at his shirt and he lifted it off, along with unbuttoning his pants and pulling those off. His lips once again, travel down her body all the way to her underwear but pull them off right away.

He goes down and lets tongue go along her folds, going over her clit multiple times. While doing that Oliver adds two fingers inside of her, going in and out at a medium pace. Y/n started to get antsy then blurted she was on the verge.

Once Oliver heard that he stopped at traveled back up to kiss her sweet spot on her neck. "Asshole" she breathed out and he looked up "Is that where you want it?" he raised an eyebrow then went back down to her heat.

He started with his fingers and mouth again edging her just to stop again. He came back up and met her lips, kissing them softly. But in seconds Y/n had switched positions and was now on top of him.

She went down his chest with kisses until she met his dick. She kissed the tip of it gently and plentiful, dragging her tongue up the side of it and putting it in her mouth. Y/n bobbed her head up and down increasing and decreasing the speed.

Oliver let his head fall back with small groans then tangling his fingers into her hair, not forcing her down but guiding her in the right places. Right when he was on edge she stopped and brought her mouth back to his "Two can play" she whispered into his mouth then kissed it.

A minute or two goes by with just kissing and Oliver gets Y/n on her back again. Going down her chest and sucking on one nipple and fondling the other. He once again goes down on her rubbing his finger over her clit first then going in with the tongue.

But this time he didn't edge her but let her come. He kissed the surrounding areas like her inner thighs, going back up to meet their lips. Pulling back and opening another silver packet and slipping protection on he leaned over Y/n.

"You done now love?" he whispered into her ear, hot breath touching her neck. "Not there yet," Y/n said then gasped slightly from the feeling of him inside of her. She wrapped her arm under his, nails digging into his back and the other hand tangled in his hair.

He went in and out, changing speeds when he knows she' close to coming. "Please" Y/n managed to get out, coming out as a whine. "You stopping now" he smirked knowing she was going to say yes.

"Yes. Please" she whined again and Oliver picked up the pace now slamming into her to get his whole length in. He kissed a spot on her neck hard ad she dug her nails into his back harder while having moans of pleasure escape her lips.

Oliver came after her again, pumping in and out at a pace they would both ride their orgasms out fully. When finished Y/n went to the washroom and Oliver cleaned the bed up and once they were both done, they laid down in the bed together kissing and whispering to each other.

6 months pass from that night

One morning Y/n woke up by herself in Olivers' dorm. Hearing the shower running, she walks in and takes his shirt off of her, and gets in the shower with him, wrapping her arms around him from behind.

"Hey" he acknowledged her, his voice still sounding tired. He turned around and kissed her so softly she swore she could have melted in his arms, as he disconnected his lips he smiled and slowly ran his fingers through her hair.

"You're perfect, you know that?" he smiled down at her "you wanna know what's even more perfect" Y/n smiled back up and put her hands on his shoulders. "You" at that he leaned down and gave her a small kiss on the forehead.

After getting out and getting ready he made conversation "So what do you plan to do after Hogwarts?" he asked from the bathroom as Y/n got changed.

"Become a professional quidditch player, then live in the muggle world," she said that he looked down and chuckled"Muggle world?".

"Never thought you'd be someone who moves back" he plainly said as they got out to the door and walked to the dining hall. They took each other's hands and went in, sitting down across from Penelope and Percy, still arguing about the muggle world.

They looked at Penelope and Percy and asked them to choose Muggle or wizard world to live in. "muggle world, great for structure," Percy said. "Thank you," Y/n said smugly and turned to Oliver. "wizarding world" Penelope took Olivers side

"What?" I and Percy said in unison, Y/n whipped her head to Penelope. "Closer to magic is better" she defended.

"See," Oliver said while being dramatic whilst high fiving Penelope. "ok let's go, we have to talk about this" Percy ushered her up and pushed her out the hall.

"But I guess I'd follow you if you really wanted to go," he said in defeat and sarcastically. "I love you" Y/n smiled and gave him a small kiss on the cheek. "I love you too," he said back but didn't give time for breakfast and grabbed her hand while telling her to follow "Let's go" He ushered her egearly.

"Where are we going? you know we have classes to get to."


They ran through the halls and for a moment or two, it felt like a dream. Then Oliver stopped and just shoved Y/n into a closet, a broom closet. Nothing good comes of broom closets. He pushed her against the wall with his body, his right hand on the wall space above her to support his weight, and his other hand on Y/ns cheek cupping it. Then he stood up straight and pulled something out.

"it's a necklace, kind of like a promise ring but a necklace" he stared into her eyes with that look that she loved. "I want to be with you knowing that something good will come out" He holds it up and then looks back at Y/n.

"I love you," He said again, reassuring her. Y/n smiled and accepted "I love you too" she responded and shared a soft kiss.

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