25. Naps in the dorm

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"He set me up!" Oliver shouted at Percy, Y/n stepped beside Penelope who also had no idea what was going on. "He's not the one who took it though Oliver! It was you!" Percy stepped forward to seem intimidating. But he looked over Oliver's shoulder and looked at the two girls and he stopped, he whispered something into Oliver's ear which made him turn around.

"What's all this about?" Penelope asked confused. "Nothing doesn't matter" Percy shook his head and walked away. "Hey! wait up!" Penelope ran after him, which left Y/n and Oliver awkwardly standing there. He cleared his throat and then walked the way we came from.

Y/n rolled her eyes and went to go catch up with Penelope and Percy but she had already lost them so decided to head back to the common room.


For a while, she sat in the common room reading a book but when Nick and Riley and the whole gaggle of boys came into the common room she headed up to her dorm to catch a little nap.


"I don't think I'm asking a lot Penelope" Y/n woke up to hear Percy hastily speaking to Penelope outside the dorm door. She didn't get up as she didn't think she needed to. "You are asking a lot of me Percy, to not tell y/n that would be a knife to the back. What if I did what he did and Oliver knew, would you ever forgive him for not telling you?" she asked a bit annoyed.

"Please wait until the quidditch cup, if she doesn't know by then I will tell her myself," he told her. "Fine, but that is it. I will keep up the act until he tells her, but I want him to know I despise him" she angrily spoke and entered the dorm without Percy and going straight to the bathroom.

Y/n got up and didn't wait for Penelope after she had just heard her entire conversation. She left the room to go see if she could find Percy or Oliver, instead she same across the twins.

"Y/n I hope you're not mad at Oliver, he truly meant no harm," Fred got up as she tried to speed walk past them.

"Meant no harm in what?" Y/n asked, wondering if this was what Penelope and Percy were arguing about.

"Oh um, he'll tell you" and he walked away before she could say anything. Penelope joined her only a second after seeing her with Fred.

"Let's walk this way y/n," she said and rushed Y/n away to the library.

Once they were there they sat down in two armchairs and quietly chattered. But when she asked about their conversation she reluctantly told her.

"Oh that was just about the homework, Cho wants it but I refuse to give it to her" she laughed a little but Y/n knew that's not what the conversation was about. It's too fake, Y/n knows Cho is a very smart witch and she doesn't need anyone to do her work.

Something is up and no one will tell her.

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