7. Mornings after

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She woke up with the sun shining in her face and an arm wrapped around her waist, holding her to his chest. She felt safe and secure, thinking it was all okay and this was meant to happen.

She debates on whether she dreamt of last night but reminds herself that she's in his bed so of course, it happened.

She looked over to the clock to see it was seven in the morning and Hogsmeade left at ten but then heard the door opening and quickly pretended to be asleep.

"What happened?" Percy had said a little too loudly, making Oliver threw a pillow at him.

"I'm just here to tell y/n that Penelope will meet her at breakfast. Also, why didn't you tell me, I had to find out from my girlfriend" he asked bummed a little that his best friend didn;t tell him anything.

Oliver shrugged the one shoulder he could see and Percy rolled his eyes "Be ready for Hogsmeade at 9" then Percy walked out. His head fell back down on his pillow then spoke out loud. "you heard that huh?"


"Well I guess we should get up and get ready" he started to rise, Y/n flopping onto her back and looking up at him. "No, you have to get up and get ready, I have to sneak out with the same clothes as yesterday" She groaned. At that, Oliver quickly got up and tossed her a pair of sweat pants and an oddly large hoodie.

She raised an eyebrow "What else do you have?" he asked laughing a bit while pulling pants on. Y/n pulled them on then went to leave but stopped by Oliver pulling her back by the wrist. "No kiss goodbye? Seems a bit rude doesn't it" he sneered and leaned down, giving her a small kiss on the lips.

"You're being cheeky" she smiled a bit then turned again to leave, opening the door.

"Admit it, you love it," he said while closing the door behind her.


After getting back, changing, and breakfast, Y/n, and Penelope went out front and looked for the two boys. "Found them!" Penelope told her over the chatter of everyone. Y/n turned to see where Penelope was pointing.

When they walked up to them Percy gave Penelope a kiss on the cheek while Y/n and Oliver stood there awkwardly.


When they got to Hogsmeade they all walked to the three broomsticks together. Penelope and Percy walked hand in hand in front of the other two who walked a weird distance from them. "Tiered?" he asked sarcastically knowing her response.

"Not really, why should I be?" she gave sarcasm right back making him laugh a little. Oliver stopped dead in his tracks before entering the restaurant "Do you regret whatever happened last night?"

"Nope" She smiled up at him. "So then be my girlfriend" he bluntly said. She scoffed a little then laughed "Okay" was the only thing she could find to say. They walked in and sat at the table Penelope and Percy chose, side by side.

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