Wizarding War

606 11 4

05/03/21 9:46pm Mountain daylight time

So I hit 1K a long time ago but I didn't realize I got over 1.5K, and honestly, it's overwhelming! I'm so happy and so grateful for everyone who had read or is reading You and Me. This is just a bonus chapter and it's the wizarding war... which was exactly 23 years ago... today. Anywhos... this is explaining how you died and it's going to be in the third person so you can FEEL the HURT that Oliver feels.

(It will say posted on blah blah but it was written on that actual day, I just had to un-publish it)


"Alright! Is everyone ready?!?" Oliver called out while mounting on his broom beside his fiance. He turned his head towards her "You ready?" he asked her softly while she looked scared out of her wits.

"No, but I have to be" she reassured him and then they were off. Oliver and Y/n lead some fellow quidditch teammates to Hogwarts, where the battle unfolded. They flew in and swerved around corners and dodged blasts until they landed on the ground.

They land at a running pace with beams of light flying past their heads as they dodge them. The night sky illuminates all the brightly colored terror reining in on all of them. "Stupefy!" Y/n shouted while she covered Olivers back from a death eater closing in on them.

He grabbed her hand and pulled her along and into the castle where even more chaos stood. Shooting spells left right and center, it became tiring real quick.

Off in the distance, they could hear a wall fall. Both of their heads whipped around to see 3 young wizards near the wall, but soon it was 2 as the wall fell. They turned back to look at each other.

Behind Oliver's head, Y/n could see Alecto Carrow raising her wand up readying to shoot a spell at the both of them. But instead, she raises her wand just a bit higher and calls out 'Confringo' at the pillar behind them.

Y/n looks behind her and Oliver to see that he's right in the line where the pillar would fall. In a sudden moment, without thinking she pushes him out of the way but can't get herself there as well. When he looked back it was only a split second where they made eye contact before she went down.

"NO!" Oliver's tone could easily be mistaken for him being the one crushed by a pillar. He rushed to her side, scraping his knees while going down to meet her.

He got down and he evaluated the situation: her entire lower half, part of her torso, and her left arm were trapped underneath the pillar. His eyes were worrisome and filled with tears and hers were calm and dry.

He scattered around for a moment "Wheres my wand?" he mumbled.


"I have to find my wand"


"No! I have to get my wand- I have to get you out" he stuttered and turned back toward her. Her eyes were no longer dry, but a single tear ran down the side of her face. Y/n held her free hand out for him, just wanting him beside her.

He came stumbling back and intertwined their fingers and kissed her hand. "I just have to find my wand y/n, that's all I have to do" he stuttered but didn't leave. "It's okay Ollie," she sputtered. She could feel the pillar crushing her and a weird striking pain in her back that ran up her spine. "No, it's not. I can help you, I can-".

"Ollie" Y/n gave him her sweetest smile and grabbed his attention. She kept smiling at him until his breathing calmed. "It's the end" she whispered softly and then sniffled. Oliver finally stopped worrying about his wand, or how to save her because he knew, he knew that it was the end and he couldn't stop it.

"On the bright side, it hurts less than getting hit in the head with Snapes' book" she laughed softly making him also laugh. "Really?" he smiled at her again. "No, this shit kinda hurts" she smiled again. "I'm sorry" he breathed beside her. He held her hand until he couldn't anymore "Promise me three things?" he looked over at her quickly. "Yes?" he asked a bit too eager.

"First; Get that dog and name it" she smiled and he laughed "Gizmo is what agreed on?" he asked, making sure he does it right. She nodded. "Second; get on that damn quidditch team - not reserve, the actual team. Use me as an excuse I don't care, I won't know!" she laughed and Oliver's expression didn't budge.

His expression only became grimmer and his grip on her now cold hand tightened. "I'm not pulling a dead fiance card" he smiled a little. "You're right, you'll get it due to pure talent" she smiled and squeezed his hand.

"The third?" he asked, not wanting to lose her mid-sentence. "Third; move on. I will come back and haunt your ass if you don't move on" she used humor once again to avoid an issue but this time she could. "Okay. But not until I have to because-"

"You and Me always, yes, I know your cheesy love line" she smiled at him. She knew he was trying and that this would break him, but he could be glued back together. Just not by her, and that thought broke her on the inside.

Her eyes filled with tears as a new wave of pain came over her, not physical, but the thought that she just stops. "Ollie I don't wanna go" her crying face formed and the tears rushed out. Oliver hated this site, especially knowing she was also in physical pain.

"I don't want you to either. Think back to the bonfire, that was happy right? Just picture that. After everything is over we can have another bonfire. Everyone can circle around" he tried to push that image and idea but it wouldn't work.

Her crying did stop though. "I love you," he told her.

"I love you too" she whispered back against his lips as he kissed her softly for the last time. He pulled back and looked at her one last time, both of them crying. "I'm going to miss you" he smiled as tears flowed down his face.

"I know"

"Oliver" she tried to get him to open his eyes but he couldn't because he knew if he did more tears would just come out. "Oliver please open your eyes" she begged knowing it was close.

He opened his eyes to see her smiling at him. "I love you" she sighed while her eyes fluttered close. "No no no no no no Y/n please- don't- you can't" he staggered. He moved so he was able to hold her as he could know, it already happened. As he scooped her up he felt something underneath her. His wand.

He watched it roll out from underneath her body and with that, he hugged her lifeless body and sobbed. No more meetings in the potions classroom, no more dinners that were too awkward with family, no more moments.

This is what he is left with.

The memory of the only person he loved with his entire heart. Gone.

You and Me | Oliver WoodWhere stories live. Discover now