19. Rumours spread

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"He's going to wish he never existed!" Y/n roared back to Penelope who was trying to catch up with her. "Y/n! What are you going to do!?" Penelope yelled trying to be heard by Y/n who was a far distance ahead.

She stopped and turned around to meet her face. "I'm going to make him wish he never fucking met me" she snapped a bit and stormed towards the courtyard

When she reached it, he sat there with people around him talking, laughing, and pointing at her as she walked towards him. "Hey look, there she is-" Y/n cut him off with a slap across the face, leaving a mark from the ring she had on.

"You little bitch. Are you really the one spreading the rumor?" she yelled, everyone in the courtyard drawing their attention to them. He held his face, looked around to all the eyes watching, and smiled.

"What, tell everyone the truth on why you and the Gryfindor broke up. It's not a rumor if it's the truth" the words fell off his tongue a bit too sleazy for Y/n's liking. "I didn't sleep with you, and that's the fucking truth. Why would I stoop to your level, a disgusting rat, Nick" she sounded like spitting acid when his name came out of her mouth.

She scoffed at the smirk on his face "Burn in hell," y/n cursed, turning around to walk off but stopping and looking at everyone.

"Anyone want the truth!? Here" she turned around all ways to see, everyone, looking. "Nickolas here loves alcohol and when he gets his hands on it he-" she stopped by the sudden grip on her wrist pulling her backward.

"You're going to pay if you don't shut your fucking mouth" he grabbed the back of her head by her hair as well, pulling her too close.

Y/n's hand went to her head, trying to loosen his grip to make it hurt less. "Hands off" Oliver had his hand wrapped on the back of his shirt collar and yanked Nick backward, stumbling and almost falling.

He turned himself around and got himself closer to Oliver "Won't be so protective when you learn she wasn't faithful during your relationship" Nick laughed a little to himself.

Oliver leaned in close to him and whispered in his ear, "She told about the other girls, so I know you're just a lying pathetic excuse for a human being. I don't care what you 'can do' to me. Your hands will never touch her again, got it?" he watched Nick nod reluctantly.

Y/n turned and walked out and down a corridor, hearing people yelling in the background. But she knew it wasn't Oliver as he was running after her. "y/n! Stop!" and she did. She turned quickly and looked dead in the eye, still having emotion running through her.

"I love you and I never stopped and what he said isn't true" she huffed. They stood in silence for a second before she turned and walked off again but no one was following or calling after her this time.

So she left for her spot.

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