5. Whispers

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Authors note: I didn't know what the team was so I made up characters but they are important to the storyline!

Being the only girl on the quidditch team was nice sometimes for Y/n. She got the dressing room to herself but she also had to deal with guys underestimating her being the captain. Y/n didn't accept any girls onto the team as the tryouts sucked, some could be accepted next year but not this year.

The dressing room door opened and shut, drawing Y/n's attention. Her head whipped around to look but nothing. Raising her wand, she started to walk the room. She could hear footsteps but didn't know where they were coming from.

Then she heard them behind her. Y/n turned quickly and struck the person without looking, accidentally hitting Oliver in the face "I just wanted to wish you luck not to fucking die!" he said looking up, holding the place she hit him.

"Deserve it. Don't sneak up on a girl alone, it's weird and creepy and you're going to get hit!" she said laughing a bit. "sorry, just wanted to be nice." he said in a sarcastic tone and took his hand away.

"You can be nice, just don't scare the shit out of me," she said walking back to the bench to finish getting ready. "Besides, I don't think you should be in here because what is it you say? Oh yea, don't fraternize with the enemy." she laughed while he put a hand on her back and leaned down to whisper something.

"Just saying you're going to need all the luck you can get love" he whispered into her ear then started to walk off. "Dick" she stood up and looked at him. Oliver turned around and smiled then went out.


They're now out on the field getting into their starting positions. Y/n was right in front of Harry and as soon as the whistle went she flew in the opposite direction she had seen the snitch. They had a plan to distract their seeker while they scored points to get ahead.

20 minutes into the game Ravenclaw has 25 points and Gryffindor 20, Y/n could visibly see Oliver getting pissed and she smiled, happy that luck was on her side. Eventually, when their Keeper Leo wasn't busy he waved her down to say something.

"I think harry sees it," he said but shooed her away as the quaffle was coming back to their end. He saved the quaffle going through but Harry zoomed past her way too close for it to be safe play and almost knocked Y/n off her broom.

She was almost there. Y/n reached both arms out to get it, inching closer and closer and closer until she caught it.

Y/n flew down with the Ravenclaw team and supporters cheering. Once everything settled down a bit Y/n made her way over to Oliver to tell him he played well.

"You did good, but I guess you shouldn't have wished us luck" she laughed a little along with Oliver which she thought was strange. "Yea, I guess you didn't need it huh? " he said with a smile. They looked at each other awkwardly until Y/n stuck her hand out for a handshake.

"My room. 9 pm. Tonight." then he started to walk off. "What if I don't wanna go?" she smirked. "Oh you will" he smirked and left. Y/n looked down at her watch, 3:37 pm. She just has to stall for five hours.

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