13. Fragile

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Getting out of the wing felt great but she had come back to alterations of people saying what happened at the game. Whether she was faking or the bludger was cursed. But nothing upset her more than people around her treating her like she would break at any moment.

"Are you ok y/n?" Roger asked after accidentally bumping into Y/n slightly. "You guys need to stop treating me like I'm so fragile," Y/n snapped a little, not meaning to. "I know, but Oliver asked us to be careful about your arm since it was the worst" Roger smiled and then kept on his way.


"Y/n wait!" She continued to walk and not say a word or turn around to let Oliver know he had her attention. But he managed to grab her good elbow and stop her "Careful Wood, wouldn't want my hand to snap off would we?" she said sarcastically.

"Yeah, Roger told me he told you that. I'm sorry but you complain about the pain that's still there and I'm making sure it doesn't worsen. I know you don't break easily but you get worn down" Oliver said, empathy and a hint of apology in his voice.

"You've been with me for almost 8 months, it takes a lot more than a fall off a broom to break me to the point where I can't be fixed" she shifted weight to one leg and crossed her arms. "Come with me, so I can see that to its full extent" he smirked and grabbed her hand, starting down the hall.

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