27. Diary Entries

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For two weeks Y/n didn't speak when she wasn't required. It took too much energy and she honestly just didn't want to. So for two weeks, almost everyone she knew was ignored, some for obvious reasons and some just because it wasn't on the agenda.

Word had gotten out that it was a bet and obviously some Gryffindor girls saw this as an opportunity to poke at her.

'I mean, did you really think he would love a stuck-up?'

'No wonder! Look at the dark circles under her eyes, it's like looking at a zombie'


There were a few occasions where Angelina defended her, but only when she heard the comments. She had gone to sit with Y/n when hearing what the twins put Oliver up to and had sat just in time to hear the comment of:

"What did he see in you? Obviously, you're not smart if you were too dumb to see he wouldn't actually like you and your style is so off-putting" a girl from Y/ns' year had sat with her friend on either side, taking an opportunity to make fun. Angelina sat right in front of the three. "Oh piss off, you don't have enough wit to see that no one likes you and those sneakers don't go with any skirt" she furrowed her eyebrows at the two as one scoffed and the other laughed a bit.

They walked off and Y/n had a small smile on her face "Why're you over here?" was the first thing Y/n said in days and it was to Angelina. "I heard what the leprechauns and their ring leader did, didn't wanna be in that atmosphere plus you look like you need a few jokes" she smiled.

Y/n gave a small smile and engaged in small talk as she genuinely did like Angelinas' jokes and comments.

Oliver, Penelope, Percy, Cho, Marietta, George, Ron, and Ginny all tried to talk to her. But the only people Y/n talked to were the professors and Angelina.

At the moment in time though, school was going to end in another two weeks. Y/n thought it was depressing that she was going to leave Hogwarts without being on good terms with her 'friends' but there was nothing that could really happen to fix it.

Some exciting news though was that an acceptance letter for the position of seeker on the Montrose Magpies came her way. The feeling of joy left as quick as it came and she didn't know why.

A letter was written up, telling them she accepts sat on her bed as she stared at it. I got in, I actually got in. Everything is so fast. Penelope entered their dorm and she sighed seeing Y/n sitting on the bed with her knees hugged to her chest.

Y/n looked over quickly then sprung up with the letter in hand, walking past Penelope and out the door and not stopping when her name was called. She walked to the owlery with thoughts flooding her head and deafening her senses.

So when she falls backward and onto the ground, she doesn't concern herself with whomever she just bumped into. But when she sat up her mood deflated seeing the Gryffindor quidditch captain- former Gryffindor quidditch captain.

"Are you okay?" he asked, getting up very quickly so he could extend a hand. Y/n ignored it and got up on her own, brushing dirt off her leg.

She grabbed her letter off the ground and proceeded to walk when he stopped her pace with a sentence "Montrose Magpies?" he asked confusingly, looking down at a letter in his hands. Y/n's eyes darted to the letter in her hand only to ask "Puddlemere United coordinator?".

His face soften as to be relieved that she said three words to him. He walked closer to extend the hand holding her letter and they exchanged them. "I thought you already accepted" Y/n mumbled while she took back her letter.

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