22. Hugs

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TW - sexual assault

Running through the forbidden forest was calming, it didn't look like it usually does. It looked like it was from a fairytale, all light and sparkly. Y/n ran through the forest with Oliver behind, trying to make sure he didn't catch her.

But of course, he did. Oliver slid his hands around her waist, turned her around, and pulled her into a soft kiss. Y/n kissed back, loving the feeling of his lips back on hers. But quickly everything feels off and she pulls back, only to see Nick forcing her back into a kiss.

Things escalated very quickly, with him pinning her against a tree. Y/n planted her hands on his chest and pushed, only for her hands to right through like she was a ghost. No matter how hard the force she gave was he wouldn't let up.

"you do this to people, you're a destructive force" a voice came, the nightmare turning into the aftermath of Oliver and Y/ns' fight. She walked off and Oliver ran a hand over his face and into his hair, tears falling down his face fast.

"you're never there for them"

"you're the reason this happens"

"you hurt them"

"you destroy them"


Y/n shot up in her bed, feeling as though her heart was going to beat out of her chest. Stumbling out of bed and to the door, she feared that her gut feeling was right.

When getting into the common room Y/n looked up at the clock as it read 5:00am. She let a breath out, realizing it was only a fever dream. her nerves were still high, worried about Penelope as she wasn't;t in the dorm when Y/n woke up.

As she walked down the halls, the feeling worsened.

She felt weird and out of place, like she wasn't meant to be there or something shouldn't have happened.

As her head cleared she realized she had walked a long way, over by the potions classroom. Hearing footsteps down the corridor she couldn't see, Y/n accepted her fate as there was no where's to go.

Y/n continued walking, frightening the person she intercepted as they staggered back a bit and put a hand out ready to attack. But they hadn't.

Now, Oliver stood in front of Y/n startled. He lowered his stance and softened when seeing the distress painted on her face "Hey, are you okay?" Oliver whispered, being careful on what he ventured with a conversation.

But to both of their surprises, Y/n cracks.

Her face turns to 'about to cry' expression, and she does. As soon her eyes water Oliver drops his quidditch bag and wraps his arms around her tight.

Y/n didn't fight him on this one and instead wrapped he arms around him as well.

In the moment, she forgot everything. Every hurtful word or moment that ever happened between hem. They both loved the moment as is, not bringing any arguments into it

But when Oliver pulled back and placed both of his hands on either side of  her jaw, Y/n just placed her hands on his wrists - not pulling them away.

"Was it another fever dream?" He asked, everything about him softening - his eyes, tone, muscles.

All Y/n did was slightly nod, not getting into the details. He already knew she had some, only a couple have been bad enough for her to react like this.

"I'm sorry" Y/n muttered while looking down, not wanting to look up and see the same face of the person whom she hurt.

Oliver tipped her chin up so they would make eye contact "Sorry for what?" Confusion laced in his tone. Y/s' finger tucked under one of his, lacking ten together. "For walking away, for hurting you" she smiled through her tears.

He scoffed with a happy tone "Y/n, I'm the one who told you to walk and I hurt you more" he tried to break the tension. "Well you're not the only one at fault here" Y/n ventured.

One of his eyebrows raised "I didn't set boundaries with Riley, I didn't even realize it made you uncomfortable" she told him like it was obvious, but it's never obvious to a gryffindor.

"I'm stopping you, what you 'did' is nothing compared to what I did. I told you to leave! I flirted! Don't start being your admirable self now" he laughed a bit, dropping his hands to his sides.

When Y/n went to testify Oliver hushed her again, pulling her into another hug when she got teary eyed again. But this time when they pulled apart, they stayed close.

A quiet moment passed until Oliver leaned forward and gently kissed her lips. At first she didn't kiss back, but when he went to pull away her hands cupped his cheeks and pulled him back into it.

Out of instinct, his arms slid around her waist and stayed there while her arms wrapped around his neck. After a couple of kisses they pulled back and looked at each other, a smirk plastered on both their faces.

"Wanna talk?" Oliver offered, loving being in Y/ns' presence once again. She nodded and they walked away.


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