1. Nap Time

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"Ow!!" Y/n jolted up in pain. She had fallen asleep and Snape took it upon himself to wake her up in the rudest way possible.

"Tiered Miss. y/l/n?" Snape sneered down at her, god how she hated his face. Oliver sat beside her, laughing a little until he too was hit in the back of the head with a book.

"Not so funny now Mr. wood is it?" Snape kept a straight face. Y/n laughed quietly to herself, making sure Snape didn't hear her and come back to give her another wack. "Have a good dream?" Oliver leaned in and whispered quietly while slightly laughing.

Y/n tried to collect a neutral voice and face but couldn't help but smile "yea if you don't count been woken up by being hit,".

"Wanna hang out after classes are over? I'll give you the notes you slept through," he whispered raising an eyebrow, questioning her. "Yea sure that'd be great. Who do you have next?" She asked politely.

"Professor Sprout, it's not her that I hate it's the subject." he groaned, justifying his answer.

"Really? Guess we have some classes together then don't we?" Y/n whispered back, still keeping an eye out if Snape decided it was time for round two. But she wasn't overjoyed that she had classes with him. Oliver Wood ignored her to an extent, having to be around him for the past year she's learned that quidditch is his only personality trait.

Oliver at back to his seat but leaned over again, having an expression that only came when one has an idea "Could you help me in Herbology if I help you in Potions? Not that great at it" he smiled at her, trying to charm her.

"Sure" Y/n responds, also knowing she isn't great at Potions. When the bell rings she collects her things then turns to go out but Oliver is standing in her path looking at her. "Mind if I walk you to our next class?" he seemed a bit nervous when asking and Y/n noticed this.

Y/n sighed with slight relief, "Please. Percy keeps talking this guy up to me and it's getting on my nerves" she laughed a little then joined his side to walk out.

As they walk and make casual conversation on their way to Herbology Y/n notices the change in his attitude, tone, and actions today. He seemed to take more interest in her than he usually does. Y/n had always had a dislike for the things he does, but despite it always had feelings for him, like when he does the things she dislikes it only makes her more attracted.

Oliver had done these things to piss her off or make her upset, but anything like that was nonexistant today. Y/n didn't think anything of it since he was probably put up to it as something to piss her off.

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