Thing's that needs to be said

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Hey readers!!

This chapter was made a couple of months back so it might read weird, but I'm not deleting anything I said and keeping this here as it is purely because I think it's very important.

I just wanted to make a comment on the last chapter. As I was going through TikTok I am finding that people are making Angelina a villain purely because she is of color or went to the ball with Fred and married George. They are also doing this with Blaise and other characters of color or ethnicity.

Now, when I made the last chapter I had no idea that this stuff was going on because TikTok has been putting fewer and fewer BLM posts on my page. If it came off like that at all I am so sorry. In no way I am trying to make Angelina the villain, in a future chapter I've already written it shows she's a nice person because she is.

A lot of POC creators are getting hate and being harassed, and it's not okay. I have educated myself enough to say that POC creators need support and don't deserve all this hate, and I fully support POC creators. There's heavy racism in this community and it's horrible.

JK. Rowling is a racist, transphobic, homophobic person and I do not like her, yes her work is great but she isn't also her work is also in ways horrible.

Also since this story is Oliver Wood fanfiction I feel like it's important to say, I do not stan Sean Biggerstaff. We love the character but do not love the actor.

Trans creators also don't deserve the hate they get, their content is great, and just because you think its 'morally wrong' does not give you the right to harass them. (Btw it's not wrong you do you boo.)

People in this community need to realize that you can't be this way towards people, especially people that helped create this fandom AKA what you call your safe place, and by doing what you do, you're taking their safe place away from them because you feel like it.

I just wanted to make sure it was clear that I fully support POC and support the lgbtqia+ community. That's very important to me, no one should feel like they don't belong in a community where everyone should feel supported by one another. It doesn't matter what color your skin is, we are all human and they deserve to be treated like one.

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