14. Stay another night

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Trigger warning - S.A

They walked through the halls of their school fast, laughing and checking classrooms. It was around five or six so everyone was in the dining hall. "Ollie" Y/n giggled as they ran down the hall, hand in hand. "Where are we going?" she laughed again.

"You'll see" he smiled back and kept walking. He stopped in front of the potions classroom then checked inside. "Perfect" he smirked and yanked Y/n into the empty classroom.

She stumbled back and Oliver cast a silencing spell and proceeded to lock the door. When he turned around he left no time to spare, pulling her into a fast and tight kiss. Olivers' hands traveled up the backs of her thighs all the way to her waist where he started to untuck her shirt.

He trailed his lips down her neck, unbuttoning the top of her shirt then going further. Y/n cupped his jaw and raised him back to her lips and once he was drunk on her lips enough, her hands traveled down to unbutton his pants and pull the zipper down

Oliver finished unbuttoning her shirt and pulled it off her shoulders, leaving her in a bra and skirt with shoes and socks. Y/n palmed the tent that grew in his pants, slowly lowering herself to her knees.

She pulled his dick out, seeing it was already dripping in pre-cum. Slowly kissing the tip and working her way down it, Oliver gave a shaky breath. Then, letting the spit fall onto her hand, Y/n wrapped her hand around the base of him then started to pump her head.

Taking his length, Oliver's hand found its way into her hair and only guided not forcing. At a couple of swirls of her tongue, he came in her mouth. After he rode it out, he lifted her up and locked her in a kiss.

Walking backward, pushing her waist against a desk and telling her to jump. Once upon the desk, Oliver's hand traveled down, pushing her underwear to the side, he started to rub her clit in circular motions.

Taking the underwear off, Y/n could feel his length brushing up against the side of her thigh, but soon she felt him inside her. He started off slow, going faster per the request of Y/n.

"faster" she pleaded. Y/n could tell that was a big turn-on for him as he sped up, more groans escaped his lips. She was on her edge so she started to move her hips with his and threw her head back and moaned in the pleasure of her orgasm.

Soon after her, he pulled out and came. Rattling at the door came and they both panicked and quickly dressed themselves. She fixed her hair and her tie, pulling her robes on. The door swung open with a half irritated snape, standing in the doorway looking at them with a questionable look.

"Miss. y/l/n, Mr. Wood, what are you doing in my classroom?" He sneered and they answered carefully. "uh I- I mean we had to grab some papers I forgot" she stuttered but made it out. "very well," He said and walked away. Y/n looked down and sighed, turning the corner with Oliver trailing behind her.

They continued to make their way to the Ravenclaw common room, Oliver making the stupidest jokes and Y/n starting little arguments about quidditch.

They arrived in front of the common room and stopped. "you sure you don't wanna come sleep in my dorm with me again?" he asked hoping she would say yes. "I've got to sleep in my own room, I'm sorry Percy snores so loud," she told him chuckling, he laughed in response.

"goodnight then" he leaned down, kissing her on the forehead. He turning waveing a goodbye, then she continued on her way. As she walked in it seemed a little too quiet but then she heard a couple of voices. Entering the common room to see Riley sitting on the couch.

"oh, so she does sleep in her own bed" Riley made a sarcastic joke which made her laugh. "I can not sleep in that room anymore, we have way better dorms" She chuckled and stopped, sitting down on the couch opposite from him, talking for a bit.

That was soon ruined when a drunk Nick swung his arm over her shoulder and got too close for comfort. "Nick just go to bed," Riley told him in an attempt to save her. "Oh come on, she doesn't mind," He told Riley but looking at Y/n the whole time.

"Nick" Riley snapped a little which made Nick snap his head around. "oh- shut up you little b- bitch" he struggled with making those words come out. "Nick you should really-" but she was cut off by Nick leaning over her.

"ugh, you talk too much," he told her, his hand going around her waist and untucked a part of her shirt. "Nick" she breathed, scared as a drunk Nick was always a strong Nick.

"You're the reason why I can't play quidditch anymore" he shushed her slipping his hand into the inside of her shirt and going up.

"petrificus totalus!" Riley casted a charm and Y/n got up as quick as she could. "you're staying with him for another night". She went up to her dorm where all the girls sat, all she got were weird looks and whispers. Y/n grabbed her stuff and headed back down.

When she got down Riley was waiting to walk her off. "Oliver said he'll wait for you" he reassured her then lead her out of the common room to see Oliver.

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