15. Comfort

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As they walk down the halls they bump into Penelope, "what are you doing out of- y/n what's wrong?" she asked in a caring tone once she noticed Y/n's pale face. "nevermind what's wrong I just need to get her to Oliver." Riley responded for her.

"Okay, go ahead" she responded hesitantly. They walked along leaving Penelope a little concerned.

They reached the area near the Gryffindor common room when Percy stopped them. "Y/n, Riley. What are you doing out of bed" he said while saying Riley in a disgusted tone. Percy held a grudge against Riley since he had once asked Penelope out, not knowing they were dating.

"chill out Weasley I'm just walking y/n to Oliver" Riley replied in the nicest tone he could.

"and why does she need to go to Oliver?" he asked in a sly response. He knew he had the upper hand and he was using it.

"reasons I'm sure y/n wouldn't want to discuss, especially with you" Riley grinned making Percy even more pissed off.

"you can leave Riley, I'll escort her to the common room" he said clearly trying to be an ass. "come on Percy just let-" "no buts, besides your lucky I'm not going to give you detention. leave, now" Percy had shut Riley down and was now in the power position.

They just looked at each other for a good 10 seconds when Y/n spoke up looking at both of them "someone just take me to the fucking common room or I'll take myself" she said harshly.

"fine" Riley turned to her "I'm sorry and I hope you feel better. I'll deal with him" Riley smiled down at her. Percy looked confused but grabbed her shoulder softly and turned Y/n around and walked off. She looked back and Riley was still standing there looking at her.

"are you ok y/n?" Percy looked down at her in a concerned way with his hand still on her shoulder. "has Penelope told you anything about the quidditch boys?" she asked him wanting to know if he knew what had happened before.

"she told me that one of the boys got really drunk once and did some things, but what does that have to do with this?"

There was a moment of silence where she hoped he would realize and leave it alone but he's not as smart as they say. "y/n seriously, what does that have to do with-" he stopped himself from talking any further.

"y/n.." Percy had said in a tone Y/n had only heard him use with Penelope when she had slipt and fell in mud spraining her ankle. He was a genuine kind caring person, she'd come to see that over the past couple of months. He's not as horrible as everyone sees him as, he's just a stickler for rules and wants to make his parents proud.

He stepped in front of Y/n. "per-" he pulled her into a tight hug before she could get any more words out. "I'm sorry" he whispered into the top of her head. She let herself melt into his hug, not feeling this type of emotion in weeks.

A hot tear escapes her right eye and she sniffs, not realizing they were basically in front of the Gryffindor common room.

"y/n?" she heard Oliver's voice whisper and unwrapped her arms around Percy then looked up at him and gave him a soft smile, she walked over to Oliver with her stuff in hand.

Oliver smiled at her and almost all her worries or frights went away, anytime she saw his stupid smile she's reminded of that boy that just sat beside her in potions that gave her weird looks. She's reminded of a time when things weren't so messed up when they weren't all grown up, the time where she was just a 1st-year Ravenclaw crushing on a 1st-year Gryffindor.

She smiled back and walked up to him, he pulled her into a not so tight hug but tight enough for her to have that warm feeling again.

He smiled at Percy and then led her into the common room, she saw Harry and Ron on the couches. "can you guys go to bed now" he said looking at them seriously. "Ollie it's ok-" she tried to say but he interrupted her.

"now" he said giving them both another look. They both got up and went to their dorm. He sat her down on the couch and then squatted on his knees to meet her eye level, "are you ok?" he asked first.


"Did he hurt you?"


"do you want to tell the professors?"


"do you need me to do anything?"


"so then what do you want," he asked a little confused but trying to be sympathetic.

"Just hold me," she said with tears lining her eyes. "hey, you're here now, you're going to be fine." He said quickly, going to her side on the couch and embracing her in his arms.


A half an hour had gone by of silence and her in his arms, quietly enjoying each other's presence. Y/n had only let more tears go thinking over the past little bit and just a bit ago.

She ended up talking about rumours of other girls who got themselves tangled with Nick, that worse things had happened. Oliver had only pulled her in closer and rested his lips on top of her head, just holding her tight. Just holding Y/n made her feel at ease and at home.

A sudden burst through the door startled them both and they sat straight up. "y/n, Oliver. He's trying to fight Riley in the hall, Penelope needs help" Percy said almost out of breath. She stood up and ran towards the Ravenclaw common room with Oliver yelling for her to wait up behind her.

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