16. Equal

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trigger warning - mention of S.A

Y/n ran through the halls trying to get to the common room as fast as possible. As she got closer, yelling coming from the two boys could be heard.

"I'm not the one who groped our teammate" she could hear Riley yelling, her heart had already dropped but she kept going not wanting this to happen. "I was drunk, besides I never heard her complaining about it" Nick had yelled wanting people to hear. Y/n was just around the corner of the entrance to the common room when she heard someone fall onto the floor.

"shit" Y/n murmured under her breath and stopped before she rounded the corner. Nick was lying on the floor with a bloody nose and Riley standing over him. "say that shit again and your nose won't be the only thing bleeding next time" Riley spouted at him like he was scum. Of course, he was but she would never say that to his face.

"protecting your little girlfriend are we now?" her heart dropped even lower when she heard those words, she was still out of sight and Oliver was right behind her trying to get her to go back to the Gryfindor common room.

"what?" Riley was clueless about what he was saying.

"don't pretend like you never said what you said to me" at this point Y/n was trying to stay out of sight but be able to hear them. "y/n let's go, you don't need to hear this" Oliver whispered in her ear. "if it's about me I have the right" she hastily whispered back. He threw his head back in frustration and huffed.

"how you were in love with her" Nick continued to egg Riley on but now Oliver was listening as close as she was. "how you desperately wanted them to break up" she was in disbelief that he had said these words, but wanted to know more. "how she was the most beautiful girl you've ever seen"

"yea, I remember but I'm not the one who got piss drunk and lunged myself at her. At least I respect her" Riley was trying to defend himself and the tone of his voice, the tone she knew too well. He was on the verge of letting any sadness go but she knew he wouldn't, at least in front of Nick.

Y/n walked out in front of them because she knew more hands were going to be thrown. Oliver came out beside her. "Did you hear all of that?" Riley asked with desperation in his tone.

"yea I did, but you two need to stop. What happened is between Nick and me, no one else" she said hoping it would stop them. But Riley went to step forward.

Oliver tried to step in front of her but she grabbed his arm stopping him. "what is that for?" he had asked in an almost angry tone. "don't-" "don't what? talk some sense into the guy whos in love with my girlfriend?" he looked at her in the eyes and then to Rileys, and for a second she felt sorry for Riley but that second was all Oliver needed.

He scoffed "so it's not just a one-way feeling with him? Should have known, how you guys are always cozy and him being by your side almost instantly in the hospital wing" I could see him getting upset.

"That's not the case," she said in an almost pleading way. "Then what is it y/n, because all I see here is a couple of attention-seeking stuck-up people, pretending for empathy. Just like you were in the first year, and just like you'll always be." He blurted out but as soon as he realized what he said his face dropped to a worried look.

Percy had now joined Penelope in the corner and they were both watching everything unfold.

"y/n I didn't-"

"no-no, you said what you said. I'm an attention seeker, I sought your attention when you chose to sit with me in every class we had, I sought your attention when you asked me out, I sought your attention when you gave me a promise ring, and I most definitely sought your attention when you fucked me in the potions classroom" Y/n couldn't handle the pressure anymore. Between friends and him. She'd had enough.


"oh and let's not forget about the time in the third year when I sought your attention when you knocked me off my broom and onto my ass but you then proceeded to help me and I fell in love with you" she only had anger in her voice, wanting him to feel the same pain.

"or when I said I loved you" she spat out with a singular tear streaming down her face. "I was definitely seeking your attention then" Y/n blurted with a shaky voice.

She turned around, heading back inside. "shows over, you can go back to bed" Y/n yelled out and then went to go into the common room when Riley grabbed her arm.

"y/n I'm sorry I-" He tried to talk to her but she just wanted to be alone. "and you, you of all people. The one guy who wasn't attracted to me or wanted my body, was behind the scenes watching it all play out. Get the fuck away from me" she threw his hand off her arm.

She walked into the common room and up to her dorm. Y/n could still feel eyes watching her, she slowly closed the door behind her and as soon as its closed, she leaned my back on the door and slowly slid down it. Tears were now coming down her face faster then they ever could.

Slowly getting up and sitting on her bed when Penelope came in. Penelope went over and held her tight while Y/n sobbed.

"what if I fucked it all up?" she sobbed. "you didn't fuck it up" Penelope replied trying to get her to stop crying. "Besides, he deserved it"

And those were the last words Y/n heard before falling asleep in her best friend's arms and getting good rest for once in a while. Espeacially for what came tomorrow.

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