18. Dinner

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Y/n walked with more tears rushing to her eyes, picking up speed and running to the main entrance. She felt like she was suffocating like there wasn't enough air in the school. As she ran, she bumped into someone then a hand came to her shoulder.

"Are you okay?" Percy asked, knowing nothing about what had just happened. Y/n looked at him and he saw her face covered in tears, eyes, and lips puffed up. "Come here" he quickly pulled her into a tight hug.

Y/n accepted his hug, wrapping her arms around him, and started to cry more. She found him comforting for some reason, even though they had always exchanged the wittiest comments to each other. "Let's go for a walk" he pulled her back, looking at her with sympathy.

"but we have classes," she sniffed, unwrapping her arms from around him. "yea well, frig them for today. I have head boy power" he said in his 'joking' tone. She laughed for a brief moment then went back to her sad gloomy look, following Percy.


They walked around for a bit, making their way to the main entrance "Shouldn't you be with Oliver?" she asked, curios as to why he was giving emotion support to the girl he had always made snarky comments to and who she thought truly didn't like her.

"Let's just say I don't really agree with him, but" he stopped, turning Y/n to face him. "If he tries to make it better, please let him. The shape was in last night, he was just horrible. You made him so much happier, Penelope even said you were better with him." he reasoned.

Y/n looked at him and made an almost offended face"He hurt me Percy" she trembled a bit, her voice a bit shaky - almost threatening to cry again. "I know and I'm not saying right away, you need you time. But in the future" he pushed further.

"I don't know, we'll see" she continued to walk with her head slightly down. Y/n got into explaining what all happened as they went on. "I'm sorry, he what!?" Percy was now indulged and re thinking telling her to let him fix it.

"All I wanted him to say was I'm sorry or I still love you or come back or something like that but no. He tells me fine and to leave" she told him, no longer teary eyed or crying.

Percy and Y/n had skipped all their classes that day, Percy letting Y/n rant about anything she wanted and he listened. "I mean come on, you don't just tell someone to leave unless you're dying for them to leave" Percy was now getting louder as they sat at the dinner table an hour early.

Y/n nodded and stuffed a piece of chicken into her mouth "I am so done with boys, I'm going to move," she talked with her mouth full but covering it. "What? Literally, move countries?" Percy laughed at her remark thinking she was joking.

"I'm serious, I hope they think I'm dead so they won't go looking for me," she said looking him dead in the eye. They both break into laughter after Y/n widedn her eyes in the midst of them staring at each other.

Penelope came in and sat beside Percy, joining in on their conversation. She had complained about classes and how annoying other students were, but when Oliver walked in y/n looked over immediantly.

Penelope noticed and her eyes went that way as well. Y/n made a kind departure and started off to exit the hall. When she reached Oliver she stopped in front of him, wanting to say something but deciding against it and leaving.


Almost a week had gone by and Y/n was starting to feel sick. Puking every morning, she decided against going out today, asking Penelope to collect her homework and bring it back.

At around 2 pm Penelope's classes were done and she'd bring up Y/ns' work, and she did but along with it, a whole load of drama that was going to unfold.

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