13 | Let's show them the real you

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I am kinda late to the party but Merry Christmas to all of you. 

This is a chapter I had been dreading to write because I would end up making it an info-dump. Let me know if you have some things which you are curious about.


The atmosphere in the throne room was charged, the staff had done an excellent job at preparing the room to the suiting of the council at such short notice. I had mind-linked the members of my own council, to be present as soon as possible, because me and Felix alone will definitely result in a verbal showdown.

It was not a secret that I and the council don't get along. But as far as I know Felix, she won't exactly like them. She had mentioned earlier that she knew a few of the members before, but the people she knew were decent enough and not snobbish as I had described to her earlier. She must have met the Giant nation's ambassador; she is a wonderful person, or maybe someone else. But that woman has absolutely refused to share that piece of information.

The concierge announced the arrival of the members of both the councils.

Sir Otagan Vadeus and Lady Virigium Vadeus

Beta Acimer Tumberbald

Gamma Huxx Vadeus

Minster Maynard Conti

Minister Aletta Morton

They settled effortlessly on their respective places, three on each of my side. Now came the international council or as they are officially called the council of the seven-nation.

Ambassador of Werewolf Kingdome: Lord Jonathan Delarge

The problematic old rich grandfather

Ambassador of Vampire Kingdome: Madame Kira Tamwood, Sir Franklyn Aido

The power couple

Ambassador of Elementalist Kingdome: Lady Cynthia Whittier

The Evil Step Mother

Ambassador of Witch Kingdome: Master Sandor Stuart

War General Extraordinaire

Ambassador of Fae Kingdome: Madame Lisa Cohen

The Silent Observer

Ambassador of Merpeople Kingdome: Lord Montgomery Gurney

Gossip Queen

Ambassador of Giants Kingdome: Lady Ruby Crow

Rich Influential Aunt

How so ever they were, they have earned their places and were now seated at the foot of the elevated platform from where I am seated and then the concierge announced the who was the reason of us all being here.

Mate of Alpha King Vadeus, Felix West

My eyes rested at the entrance door waiting for her arrival, moments passed but she did not arrive. I was about to send Huxx to check on what was happening when the concierge cleared his throat and called out the name again, but this time it brought a smile to my face.

The administrator of the North Pack, Luna Felix West

So she stuck to being her. I like the fact that she announcing her intentions very clearly. Not being bound by any man, a woman who takes pride in what she has earned and the power she holds, but at the same time not being arrogant about it. That one move gave everyone a taste of what the queen is going to be like.

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