17 | The truth of our relationship

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Here is another update. And I am sorry in advance lovely people.



If there is a manual which tells you what to do if your mate is ignoring you,  then it would be  really helpful right about now. I don't do subtext so my strategy is to just go and say it to her. It took me a while but I finally found out that she is finally in my room and packing her clothes.

So I closed my files and power walked to the other side of the castle to corner the Queen in my room. I hadn't even entered the wing and I can hear her singing. It's my first time hearing her sing. She usually blasts music like no tomorrow or hums along but never sings. 

She stops singing as soon as she realises that I am there. Well, no point in delaying. I open the door and casually slide in.

Her clothes were strewn on the bed in some weird order and as usual, she was on her tablet writing something on it. Wait a minute that's not her tablet?

"Yes, it's not mine. It's yours." She answers not even looking up at me. "I bought it for you. A tablet and a phone. It's the gift I promised to give you."

"Thank you for the lovely gift Felix but I don't need techs, I am not good with them." I reminded her.

" I know." She said getting up and placing the piece of tech in my hand with a smaller box and a sheet of paper. " I have set these up according to your convenience. I also have written basic instructions on the phone and tablet as well as on paper. And I have signed you up for simple tutorials. You will be good at this in no time."

"That's very considerate of you Felix. But I don't need it."

"You do need it, my king. Because you need to go along with the time. Try to shift your work to a more efficient way." I wanted to tell her my ways are efficient but I know it's a lie. " I know you prefer paperwork being in hard copy and all. And let's keep it that way. But at least try to digitalise some aspects of your work. We can try that can't we?"

Staring in her eyes I knew I don't have a way out of this, "Sure. As soon as the workload is slower I will give this a try."

"Well your workload is going to be minimum for the next two weeks and I will be out of your hair too. So put your best efforts into learning, okay?" She winked and brushed past me to the pile of torn clothes on the floor.

Okay, Oreif breath. First of all, where is going? Why are there torn-up clothes on the floor? Why would my workload be less in the coming weeks? What did this woman do now?

Felix took one look at my face and burst out laughing. Fine! Find entertainment in my confusion and misery.

"Oh, Rei! You look so adorable when you are confused. Your workload is going to be easy cause I finished all of it already to give you an empty sort of window. Some last-minute things might come up but your desk hours will be lesser."

Shocked I stared at her with my mouth hanging, "You didn't have to do that. But thank you."

She gave a small smile, "It's okay I wanted to."

"Where are you going? And why are there torn clothes on the floor?"

"Oh, these..." she bounced on the bed as I settled on the couch. " So, I was packing my bags since I am leaving for the mission directly from my father's place. And so checking these clothes. If checking is what you call it. All I do is tug them with slightly more force than humanly possible and if they rip apart then they are not fit for tougher terrain. So I leave them behind for much delicate handling. During the process, some stuff gets annihilated. Come help me if you can."

If there was logic somewhere there, it was well-concealed logic cause I didn't get it. But I just pull up a piece of clothing and do as I was explained.

"Not that one-"

Okay, so I used more force than necessary and now I hold a piece of crop top in each hand. I give Felix a sorry look but she just stares at the cloth in my hand. The silence between us grows heavier as the moments pass by.

"I am sorry it's been a while since I ripped any clothes." Was my attempt to reduce the tension but instead, Felix's eyes snapped to mine and went wide.

Assuming that I have messed up a favourite piece of clothing, I quickly placed it on the bed again and retracted back to the couch. Felix still looking at the torn top sniggered and glanced at me.

"Rei, sometimes I think you are not as innocent as you pretend to be. But then you say sentences like these and I know you are a pure soul."

"I don't understand it but that seems like a compliment so I will take it."

She just smiles at me and goes silent again. This. This type of silence between us was not something I was used to. Whenever it is just the two of us alone there have been plenty of instances where we have stayed in silence and not felt the need to talk. But today maybe it's me and my will to speak something, acting like nothing is wrong just doesn't feel right.

I waited and collected my thoughts, while she asked the guards to take her bags downstairs one by one. As soon as the last bag had left the room and she had settled on the bed I spoke up. "You know that you don't need to prove anything, Felix." She goes still. "The last week has been a testament to your strength and capabilities in more ways than one. You don't need to do anything....."


This was the first time she had raised her voice more than her normal pitch. And I am man enough to admit that it scared me for a second when she did that. She got off the bed and sat opposite me. Taking a few deep breaths and focusing her eyes on me she delivered the truth of our relationship to me.

"You know why I need to do that? Because I am the mate of a King now. I will be under scrutiny. I will have to show my worth to stand next to you. I will have to hold in my emotions. And I have to do this alone. 

Because my mate can't help me. He can't have a single meal with me. He can't go out with me. He can't show emotions to me. He can't trust me. And you know the worst part I can't ask him. I can't ask him to do all this. 

My mate is Alpha King Orief Rei Vadeus. The king who has is carrying the peace of the entire supernatural world on his shoulders. He is known for his short and brutal statements, his immeasurable strength, his sense of justice and responsibility, his appreciation for hard work and his will to lead by example. He is a genius and the owner of such an aura that can kill someone just by his mere presence. And a man of this much calibre and responsibilities is bound to be busy.

He is busy. He is busy in every sense of the word. Then how do you tell someone this important that something as mundane as the irritating weather? That you wish he would at least eat a meal with you. That you won't tell him about yourself, your family.

No Rei, I can't do that. No sane person can gather enough courage to aimlessly talk nonsense around a man like him. 

And I know he didn't choose this, I didn't choose this. We are both struggling. Pushed to do things which we don't want to. 

But the truth is we have to. We have to do them. I hate that I have to lie to my friends that he is my boyfriend. I hate that I am a nuisance to his peace. I hate that he has to rearrange his life just because of me. And I hate the fact the things which are supposed to happen when two individuals are in love will happen without it even when he will ask my consent for it.

Do I blame him? No.

Do I blame myself? No.

Am I annoyed? Yes.

Do I need a break? Yes, I do.

So, to inform you I will be going on my mission in three days. I will be spending my remaining time back at my pack. From there I am going to my friend's wedding for the next 4 days. Which will officially finish my re-discussed designated transition period of 1 month."

She snatches her phone from the side table and moves to leave the room. Whereas I am too stunned to say anything.

I don't know what she thought but she strolls back to me and pats my head a few times.

"Don't worry about me Rei. Your queen will be back after sorting out her shit."

Okay, that went 0 to 100 real quick. What are your thoughts on this?
Do you agree with what Felix said?
What should have our king said to her?

Do let me know!!!

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