8 | Secret Codes

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Part 2 of the double update is here!!

The journey back to the castle was a quick one. Or maybe that's what I thought, even though it was late afternoon when the cars come to a halt in the parking area.

I got out of the car and so did Felix. With a small bag slung over her shoulders. She crossed the distance between me and her.

"I was thinking I should leave the boxes here for the night. And move them tomorrow. It won't cause any trouble, right?"

"As you wish," was my reply, "I am famished and would like to eat something first. What about you?"

"Well, I would like to wash up and change first..."

Before Miss Felix could finish, my mother jumped in, "That can be resolved dear don't worry. Come I would take you to your room."

If I have been a normal human, the sudden arrival of my mom's voice would have startled me. I swear sometimes mothers are better than secret agents.

Mum dragged Miss West inside the castle, while I mind-linked Acimer and Huxx to come to the office as soon as possible and also to bring some heated lunch from the kitchen.

After that, the day passed in the breeze. I took a report of whatever I missed in half the day, the leak of information from North Pack, and cross-checked the statement to be sent to the international council.

I had so much to do, that I didn't even go down for dinner. The fact that I have a queen now only entered my mind when I was returning to my room, that too because her scent was lingering in otherwise plain corridors of the Royal wing.

Royal wing, as the name suggests was where the royal family actually resides, the heart of the castle. It was homier than the rest of the extravagance. Divide into a total of three different parallel corridors; it has seen each and every phase of the werewolf kingdom.

The first corridor was for the royal couple, the second one for the kids and other family members, and the third for important guests and council members. That's how it always was. But when it came to me I wanted things a bit differently. I never asked my mother and father to leave their room after they stepped down.

I just re-modified this part of the castle as I wanted, a library plus office, a spare study and a dressing room. Suffice it to say I had the most number of empty rooms around me.

Due to my analysis of my living condition, I was not shocked to see Miss Felix in my room. She was perched upon a chair on the balcony with a laptop.

What did shock me was her outfit. She looked quite different in track pants and a T-shirt. But it was normal considering I have only seen her twice.

"Have you eaten your majesty?" said she relocating herself on the couch.

"Thanks for asking, yes I ate in my office today. Have you?"

The only reply I got was 'hmm' as her fingers glided on the keyboard. She must be doing her own share of work I assumed, so I didn't disturb her anymore and silently made my way towards the en-suite.

Twenty minutes later, when I returned, Miss Felix was again immersed in another piece of technology, her phone. Another thing I noticed about her was that this woman sure loves her gadgets.

"If you are not tired, your highness, I have a few things I would like your opinion on."

I nodded and settled in an armchair in front of her.

"Fire away, Felix. Also, if it's just the two of us, you don't need to address me with titles." Because honestly, I don't like the sound of them from you, I wanted to say. But didn't.

"I will keep that in mind...Ummm... my king. My questions?" Felix seemed at a loss for what to address me. It was entertaining watching different sides of people who don't spare much emotion around you.

"Your questions? You need to realise that soon you would be the ultimate ruler. You don't necessarily need to ask things anymore ."

Felix blinked twice. Slowly her lips twitched and a small smile graced her otherwise neutral face. She untied her hair and relaxed further on the couch.

In a singsong voice she started, " My king, I know who I am. Thank you for the reassurance. But this is just the way I am. I can't do a 180 switch overnight. Can I? You may not know but I am pretty self-sufficient and hardly require help or as you eloquently put 'order'. But I am glad you addressed me as the queen as you have never done before. And before this conversation goes down an entirely different tangent, I am going to ask my first question. Which side do you prefer?"


"The bed," she pointed bed,  and elaborated as she walked to the corner, "Which side do you sleep on?"

"Oh, I umm I don't have any." Why is she asking that?

"Good, then which side do you usually sleep and any sleeping habits I should know of." She took out some clothes from her bag in the corner.

"Why are you talking about this?"

"Because, my king, Mum told me that the international council will be coming to check on us in a few days. So until then, it would be nice if we stay in the same room and behave amicably. I just wanted to know some basic stuff about you. Honestly, I have never heard of The Council checking on any mated pair. Not even royals. Do you know why?"

"It makes sense I guess. And yes I know, I have annoyed the council more times than I can count. So maybe that is why they want to check. Incidentally, I am not aware of my sleeping habits. Guess we will find out."

I didn't get a reply, just a chuckle from her. She tossed an old pillow on the left side of the bed, picked up her clothes and walked into the bathroom.

I settled in the right corner, my back to the left side because I was tired and also to avoid any awkward interaction. And remained the same when 8 min later Felix slide into bed.

Before either of us could fall asleep, there came a knock on the door. I could feel someone outside the door so I let Felix open the door.

"Ummm... Luna West this was sent to you by Luna Vadeus. She said it would help you and your highness to fall asleep." That was my mother's maid I guess. My mother seriously loves Felix now, she is going all out.

"Thank you for bringing this to us. Good night." Felix said to her and then shut the door.

Without a word, I just went and drank the tea and returned to the bed. This time with the intention to fall asleep before anyone could disturb me. As soon as my head hit the pillow I was knocked out.


I woke up with a weird sense of anxiety in my chest. In my half-asleep mind, it took me a good few moments to realise it wasn't mine rather it was of the luna beside me.

Before I could turn towards her, the bed dipped and she wiggled towards my side of the bed. Her hand slowly come up to mine and started tapping and caressing it.

Again it took me a while to understand that the taps and swipes were in the order of some kind.

What the hell is going on?

She pulled my hand and place a finger on my forearm.

Tap, tap, pause, swipe, tap, pause, swipe, pause, tap, swipe, tap, pause, tap, tap, swipe, pause, swipe, tap, tap, pause, tap, pause, tap, swipe pause.

Pulls my hand. Repeat.

Maybe I am looking too much into this but this seems like a morse code. Where does the tap mean dot, the swipe mean dash, the pause means new letter and pulling my hand means repeat?

The next time Felix pulled my hand, I started converting the Morse code. 

.._     _.    _  ._.  .._   _..   .    ._.

  I       N   T    R    U   D    E     R


Okay, that was not supposed to happen.

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