26 | The search

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At this point just know I am trying. 



"Son we need your help to lift these, come here quickly." I heard my father call out to me from across the collapsed hill.

The dwarves loved solace away from everyone and their strongholds were always found in obscure places. This location in particular was on top of a small mountain. No community used the mountain despite it being easily scalable due to the dangerous nature of the forest. The last town inhabited was mostly made up of retired wolves who have chosen to stay away from the chaos of the world and inhabited the base of the mountain. 

However, this peaceful town was completely destroyed due to an unnatural landslide. A major part of the infrastructure was destroyed and a lot of people were trapped under the debris. That was the only reason we couldn't move forward. It's our obligation to rescue these people first. 

There was no way to contact from here out as there wasn't anyone around here anyways. Moving across the now relatively walkable path to the other side where my father was working.

Yesterday night, when I was on a call with Felix, the entire town experienced a sudden collapse as a huge chunk of the Mountain hit the town. I and my family were trapped in the collapsed building as well. Me and the people I was with made quick work of getting my parents as well as most of the people out. My people proposed to evacuate the town as fast as I could and after escaping the dangerous area we could contact the palace for backup. But one look at the surroundings and the echos of low groans made us unable to leave. 

As royalty even though we have been taught to keep ourselves safe first because our people's future depends on us being alive. We can't be careless with our lives but in the face of an emergency, not many can think of the logistics. I proposed for my parents to leave with half of the people and the rest would stay with me to start the rescue process. Unfortunately, they are after all my parents and would be the first to save others. 

In the end, it was concluded that the faster we complete the faster it would be for the search team to find us. And if my guess is correct there is one hell of a storm coming for me and I shall prepare myself for the nagging. 

It took us another half an hour to actually move the said piece of the demolished building because not only were we being careful of the potential victims who have fainted or aren't in any condition to respond but also because one wrong move can set off the chain reaction of this horrific domino. Unfortunately for us, we have not recovered anyone high enough in the administration who can help us with the details of the town, so we all were working our best to work to the best of our capabilities. 

However, evacuating people was only one part of the rescue. We needed medical support, we needed equipment, and we needed food enough for this many people. At least this much for now was a desperate need.

I could feel the injured's relief as I pulled them out of the wreckage. But all I could see was suffering in their appearances. Simultaneously my mind was a chaos of its own. 

How did the landslide happen? Why does the environment here feel so fragile? Did something happen to the village on the top? Was it caused by notorious figures due to my presence? Did my interest in the village tip someone off???

I was just about to voice it to Father when I felt the presence I had been dying to feel again. Finally, Felix was here. She was still a distance from here but she was here.

There was a sharp whistle and before I knew my feet were moving in the direction of the sound knowing well who was waiting there for me. I glanced at Dad signalling him that it was in fact who he thought it was. I glanced at the edge of the depression where I was removing the boulders, craning my neck to get a look at her. And just like that, a head peeked down blocking the sun's rays blinding my eyes for a second. 

Her eyes connected to mine for a split second and right next moment they were roaming the area around me, while I took stock of her visible body for any injury. A bleeding palm,  dried blood on her face, torn sleeves and they being only the visible indications. I don't wanna imagine what the others would look like. 

"We found them. There seems to be a landslide here. Conard, inform the palace. Sky, contact Leader River we need rescue materials and manpower asap. And toss me the cable. Quick. Quick. Quick." Her loud voice alerted every single person. 

As I saw her getting ready to climb down here, I dashed to her landing point. I had planned to let her speak first, predicting my silence would at least soften the oncoming nagging but seeing her open wounds scrap against the rough edges of the rope, I couldn't help myself. "For the love of all that is holy, you should have at least tied a cloth around the open cuts Felix."

"Your Majesty as you can see, both my hands are way too busy to give any fuck about that. So be a good man and help me land rather than barking at me. And you of all people have no right to worry after what you have put all of us through. Now catch me when I let go, okay?"

She didn't give me much room to think, as she promptly let go. I caught her of course. She could have gotten further injured if I was even a little late in doing that. But this woman knows no fear and that will land me in a lot of trouble one day.

As soon as she regained her balance, a red hand connected to my cheek. 


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