51 | I can't, I can't

130 8 2

Umm, exams got postponed, so here I am. Please take this offer. I also recommended the song above. It might help the mood.


FELIX'S POV (23:12)

"Felix Felix Felix Felix Felix Felix Felix Felix Felix" I chant my name as the arrows fly towards the people who are chasing me inside the labyrinth. At least this cursed place is being put to some good use.

I needed time, goddess I needed time. Rei was captured inside that bloody mirror and my head was bleeding. I had ducked when I felt someone behind me but seeing Rei getting sucked in shocked me and whoever was the person was able to hit the side of my head.

So I gathered my strength and ran inside the labyrinth shouting my name like a psycho to trigger as many as traps as I can. I have been trying to gain distance from them. The snowfall has gotten heavier and it's getting hard to navigate but knowing the labyrinth layout was working in my favour. I just needed enough distance to recover and plan.

For a second there I considered pulling the Demon Sword again but what if it triggered again? It would help me with numbers because currently 1 against 15-20 people. All of whom are armed. I don't think I can last without a weapon. Scratch that me lasting against them with a weapon is low. My body is protesting like hell. And so is my brain. So I cannot take that risk.

I could have escaped if it was me alone but escape isn't an option. I am not leaving Rei behind. Especially when I know what they plan to do.

Yes, I knew at least a good chunk of their plan. But this, this was unexpected. Still, I ran in the direction of the sword. It had the most violent aura here and I am hoping for one of them to pull it out stupidly. I know a way to bypass them fighting the red things but what will I do with the mirror?

My legs were screaming in pain. Exhausted from running and freezing in the snow, I could feel at least 3 people running really fast in my direction.


I was faking to have lost my cool. Shouting like crazy. Deliberately slowing down my speed to seem injured.

"She is here gather this way." I could hear one of them shout from behind me. Ah Idiot 1 bought the trap.

I had a couple of minutes to unarm them till the rest of them arrived, so I sped up to bring us closer to the sword's area. Just a turn away from the sword I saw them falter due to the sheer impact of its aura.

I took this opportunity to throw my water bottle at the one farthest from me, punched the closest to me in his face and swapped the gun from his belt. I switched off the safety of the gun and shot him in the chest. The second guy was smarter he used the first concussed one as a cover when I shot at him.

Good for me though, I wasn't planning on wasting any of these bullets. So I took cover behind a wall. I knew there was a significant distance between me and the cover he took but tried my best to shoot him. He was still trying to figure out where I was which meant I had one chance to make sure he was dead. I used the now significantly lower height of the wall to pull myself up. Thank goddess for the heavy snow as it muffled my attempt to jump. Once in a balanced situation I secured my foot at one of the ledges and let go of one arm holding me up. The guy had fired twice but missed both by a long shot. I used my free hand to aim at his head and shot him right between his eyes.

I am not taking any risks right now. I will deal with the guilt in therapy.

I frisked the second guy and first guy for any supplies they had. I could only take the second guy's gun and one small case of ammunition before I could hear more hurried people running towards me.

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