14 | What's going to happen now?

380 23 13

Don't forget to read chapter 13 before this.


In the end, I wasn't able to talk to Felix. I was intercepted in the middle by Acimer to discuss the rules, while she made a run to the other side of the castle to god knows where.

We decided to keep the challenge simple and do three rounds without weapons, solely based on strength. Though using complete strength is allowed since both participating are werewolves. The first one to pin the other to the ground for more than 20 seconds wins the round, winning two out of three rounds settles the match. For the second match, the candidates are asked to convince the council why they are the better candidate and they will be rated on how convincing they sound. The third match is-

Honestly, I don't want it to come to the third match at all.

"Okay, I will type these down and personally take a copy to Ambassador DeLarge's camp. And get their signature, should I request Master Sandor Stuart and Madame Lisa Cohen to be the witness?" Acimer is on a roll, isn't he?

I agreed to the plan, "What I don't understand is why they are doing this? What will they get out of this? They can't possibly think of defeating Felix."

"The potential of Luna is not known by many and to top that off Alpha West has always been known to be the forgiving and kind sort of leader. Maybe they assume she would have had a simple upbringing."

I have to agree Acimer has a point. "They are in for a good shock though. That young lady doesn't know what is coming her way."

Acimer looked at me with a rather smug smile, "Our king is so confident in his mate's ability. Why the sudden change?"

I shot him a glare, "Says the one who had a bloody face, when she wasn't even on half her power and not to mention half sleepy."

"You have a point there. Nevertheless, we know she will finish this in a jiffy. I get the equipment ready. And come back if the camp has any issue, also for Felix's signature on the official acceptance of the challenge."


Acimer chuckled, "If you think I am not recording the reactions of the Ambassador in HD then you don't know me at all. My wife would kill me if I don't have this on tape."

I couldn't help but crack a smile at that. Finally going back to my room, I could hear the sound of music coming before I even entered the corridor, and let me mention it wasn't because of the superior hearing but due to just how loud it was.

I opened the door to find a half-dressed Felix running around, looking for something. Now if it was my first time seeing her like this I would definitely shy away and give her space, which was exactly what I did when this happened the first morning I returned from one of my morning workout sessions. That was when Felix commented that she likes her comfort and it would be better if I get used to the sight as soon as I can because she isn't going to sacrifice her comfort in the name of modesty. I quickly agreed to the fact as it gives me the right to ditch my itchy shirts too.

"Are you looking for something?"

"Yes!" Felix looked up kind of shocked; I guess she didn't hear me coming over the music. "I was looking for a loose T-shirt; I find them best when fighting. Sadly I didn't bring any. Mind if I borrow one of yours?"

"No, I don't." I settled down on the couch.

It took her a while but Felix walked out of the closet after about 10 minutes; dressed in one of my t-shirts, a pair of leggings and her hair tied more neatly and tightly than usual. She took the couch opposite to me, understanding that I was waiting to talk to her.

"So what's the plan? Is it going to be the classic three-match thing? The fight, the speech and the-"

"I don't want it to go to the last phase." I cut her off, "Let me rephrase that I believe that you will clear it without the third round."

"Thanks for the confidence Rei. But we shouldn't undermine the opponent."

I stayed silent and just stared at her. Her light brown eyes clashed with my dark ones. A few moments passed when she sighed and picked up her tablet. "Fine, I can't hide from your gaze. I have a plan. You kill the fun out of things sometimes."

I smiled and concentrated on what she had up her sleeve now.


It was already 4:30 in the evening. I spent the rest of the afternoon in my office going back and forth with the Ambassador's camp and finalizing the rest of the documents of the challenge. It's safe to say that my anger is running thin. Twice had mum stopped me from breaking anything and my father had cursed seven generations of The DeLarge Family.

The amount of anger he had for DeLarge was at an all-time high. Apparently, they messed up during the coronation of my parents too. He was surprised at the fact that they have started causing trouble so early and also at their courage of directly challenging the throne.

What surprised me was how worried he was for Felix. He and Felix had been training together in the evening and he is already bragging about her. Saying that 'The dainty DeLarge doesn't even stand a chance.' His words, not mine.

A knock on the door made me aware of Felix's presence. "Come in."

Felix peeked inside, still dressed in the same clothes. She had been warming up in the gym with Huxx. Sometimes I forget she and Huxx have been friends for almost as long as me and Acimer.

"Let's go. It's time." She called out from the door.

"It's just 4:30."

"I like reaching in advance. Fashionably late is not my style."

My father stood up, patting her back on her amazing philosophy. They both discussed attack tactics all the way to the grounds, while I silently followed them. In the en-route, we were joined by Acimer and Mum.

The grounds were arranged perfectly and again I was reminded of how efficient my staff is. I should probably give them a raise and more holidays. Apart from them, everything was pretty empty so it didn't take us long to settle down. Huxx was down in the main arena with Felix while the rest of us were in the stands.

It didn't take time for people to start filtering in. The entire castle knew about what was happening, and anyone free was allowed to join as a spectator. As I was observing the surroundings I realized that the slight anxiousness I was feeling was settling down. This time I knew that feeling was not mine but Felix's. She has been open about her emotions for a while and I understand why. If she panics at any point or something wrong happens at least I would be aware of it. We acknowledged the fact that if we have a plan so does the other party and to be as indiscreet as possible the use of our barely-there mate bond is the best option.

I saw the Ambassadors enter along with their respective family members. I actually savoured the look on their faces as they realized that we have arrived first. Indeed reaching in advance has its perks.

My pleasure quickly turned into shock as I saw the young Delarge enter, and the shock turned into anger. Both mine and Felix's were furious at them for using a dirty trick.

Dammit, they found a loophole. But I didn't think they would stoop this low. Came Acimer's voice through the link.

Miss DeLarge was looking quite literally really larger than her usual height. Her pupils were red and her nerves could be seen bulging through her body from miles away without any supernatural vision. All the symptoms point to only one thing.

That she has consumed a power potion.

And secondly, we didn't include its prohibition in the challenge declaration.


What is a power potion? I don't know. Till we find out, have a happy new year.

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