44 | Shenanigans in the labyrinth

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Sorry for the late update, life got super busy. Also, congrats Luna Felix has now hit the 10k reads mark 🎉🎉




Magic Circles have got to be the most shitty mode of transportation I have used. Ever. The spinning feeling as the magic took over made my head and stomach extremely queasy. As soon as the feeling stopped I knew the destination had arrived. 

The magic teleported me 5 feet above the ground, surrounded by 50-55 ft tall grey walls. I didn't have time to react before gravity started acting, it wasn't something new for me. So I could land with relative stability. The sound of another body hitting the ground a little distance from me let me know Felix had landed too. 

I stood up and turned to run towards Felix who was already standing and dusting snow off pants. 

"Are you alright?" I inquired as I scanned her for any potential wounds. 

Felix shook her head and replied, "No, You?" 

"I am fine," I said, taking a look at the area around us. We were thankfully dropped in an area that had plenty of snow to cushion our fall. 

The walls of Labyrinth were towering so high that I couldn't even spot anything in the sky. There was a long passage with a dead end on the left but hopefully, the right was looking promising.  

"You Mister," came Felix's warning from my right, "You touch me with anything but respect in public and there will be consequences.

"Did I hurt you by chance? I am so-"

She shook her head, "No No No. But it gives out the wrong message, or what if it triggered something and I hit you? Above all, I don't like that kind of public display."

"I understand that. So not in public but other-"

Felix hit my arm jokingly, "REI!"

I half kneel and bow jestingly, "I apologize my Queen. I have seen the errors of my ways and I wou-" A force knocked me down. 

Felix had tackled me to the ground and before my mind could comprehend anything an arrow flew past the exact place my head was minutes ago. I lay there on the snow in silence, reeling from that moment. 

"Rei, I think something triggered the arrow to release," Felix whispered next to me. 

I scanned the wall at the dead-end and could make out a small notch that was closing itself, I whispered back what I saw, "I don't feel any living presence for miles."

"Does it aim for living people?" Felix asked, her eyes tracing every wall around us for further traps. 

"No, I don't think so. Or at least I hope not. It might be certain words. Let's test it, stand with your back to me." I instructed and she must have arrived at the same conclusion because she stood up slowly and steadily and faced the direction where the arrow came from. I silently switched her to face the other direction and took her place. 

"Repeat your last sentence but word by word. So we can isolate the words necessary." Felix said, sticking her back to mine.

"I," no movement, just silence, "apologize"  no movement, just silence, "my" still nothing. It was when I said "Queen" that I saw a hole appear right at my eye level on the wall and shoot an arrow towards us. 

"Duck down Felix," I warned but this time, not one but two arrows were coming for us, one from above and one at our knee level. At that moment I jumped right and Felix jumped left to get out of its way. 

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