7 | The Letter

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Hello, fantasy lovers! This one is a double update as well, don't forget to check Chapter 8.


I didn't have to wait long for an answer as Felix was following the kids with a massive box herself. She shouldn't carry such large boxes alone, even if she is a werewolf and all. I was about to step forward to help her transfer the box, but by the time I moved forward, she has already deposited it at the back of a pickup truck, and one by one she was doing the same to all the small boxes which the kids carried.

So they were helping her move her stuff, but why? I motioned my guards to stay back and moved to the odd group.

"So there will be no Sunday storytime Luna!" Asked a kid who was clinging to Felix.

"So sorry kiddo, but Luna got to go. It's important but I promise to come back as soon as I can." All the kids held their pinkie fingers, and she linked hers to each and everyone's while making small noises.

Hating myself for interrupting such an adorable moment, I made my way towards Miss Felix when a sense of surprise filled me. The surprise wasn't mine. It was Miss Felix's. And I saw the inkling of our bond for the first time. 

The feeling vanished just as fast as it came. The wall was up. Felix has composed herself faster than I thought she would.

"Agents!" she addressed the kids around her with enthusiasm, " you all have helped me a lot today. Now go home and ask you, parents, to text me as soon as you reach. Okay?"

All the kids replied with some variation of "Yes Luna! Fighting!" and run away to their houses.

"Good morning, your Majesty. I was not expecting you here." It was then I got why Acimer said that her attitude that day was so different. The woman talking to those kids and the woman talking to me are visibly different. Her demeanour with people she is comfortable with is vibrant and fun. And in opposite situations, it's a whole lot more reserved, formal and frosty. I do get her approach though.

"Yes. I felt your surprise, Miss Felix. To be honest I am here to meet your father and if you were ready I would have liked for you to return to the castle with me."

"I am sure I will finish loading all this in about an hour or so," She motioned to the pile of boxes which have escaped my notice until now, " My kids... I mean the pups were helping me. I didn't tell them to address you, since I don't want to make either them or you uncomfortable. Was that okay with you?"

So she is not going to mention her slip of emotions. Or lack of them. Fine with me. I will play along Miss West.

"It's alright. I don't wish to make your pack overwhelmed."

"Well, that's a relief. Come this way, please. I have informed my father. He is waiting for you in the office."

She mind-linked without losing her focus. Goddess, how many years has this woman trained for?

Mind linking is an ability that every werewolf possesses and it essentially allows us to talk to others of our race telepathically. The range and length of the message differ on the bases of strength. Also, the leaders when are take the sacred oath during initiation are bestowed with additional powers if they are considered worthy by the goddess. The benefits are different in various packs and can indicate how favoured an Alpha or Luna is by the goddess. It's also one of those traditions that have kept the faith of our goddess strong in our communities. 

Throughout our walk to the office, I tried to take in the packhouse. It was one of the decent-sized manors. Meaning a lot of people live independently rather than reside inside collectively. There were a lot of pictures of various families, and individuals. But none of the Alpha's family, which is a little weird, to say the least. We didn't go deep inside the manor, since the office was on the first floor itself.

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