36 | When will these problems stop

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Soulmates are similar yet different to each other. I have heard those words a million times from my mother growing up. But it's never been more apparent than today.

After Felix had woken up she hadn't stopped speaking once. But not a single word was said regarding that curse. And I know it's her version of being stubborn.

It's a testament to her stubbornness which is quite similar to mine. But the difference is of approach, mine is the orthodox clam-shut way.

However, regardless of her attempt to bore me to my untimely death with every excruciating detail of her most mundane experiences, I haven't let her out of our room since then.

In her defence, she hasn't tried to escape either and has been gracing me with all her patience. She hasn't left the bed more than necessary. The only time she is on a device is to talk to someone or to show me some song or meem or something equally bizarre.

One good that came out of this situation was that we both got a much-needed rest. Physically and mentally. Because for the last 6 - 7 hours all we have been talking about is mundane things. It's been a rare moment of peace between us. I gave up on all my tasks momentarily to my council, planted myself on the couch in the direct view of our bed and concentrated all my attention on this seemingly smart but selfless queen I have been blessed with. I know she would run out of places to escape if I didn't offer much to the conversation and just sit and stare at her every move. 

I wasn't making much progress and was about to give up when I heard my phone ringing. I picked up after the caller ID showed my brother's face. 


"So good news, the intruder has been caught. But bad news you need to cut your sexy time with your queen  and come down and get back to work." Came Huxx's voice. 

"That's good, I will be there in a few." Ignoring the other bullshit he spews. He has been passing comments for a few hours now as I had prohibited him from joining us here. As I ended the call, I could feel Felix trying to catch my gaze. 

"Soo, Rei what did he say?" She asked throwing away her blanket and stepping off the bed. 

"The intruder has been caught. So I need to go torture someone else other than you." 

"What intruder?" She dropped the bags she had been pulling and shot me a confused look. 

I realised that I most probably forgot to fill her in or let anyone interact with her. I rattled off all the information I had reluctantly. Because just as I predicted, all the joy trickled off her face and her body went rigid. At one point she had tied her hair back up, picked up a notepad and settled on a couch in front of me.  After I finished, she closed her eyes for a brief moment and took a deep breath. 

When she opened them again she shot me a sad small smile and said, "You go do the interrogation and I will sit and analyze the reports. Ask someone to bring my stuff here and bring some tea as well."



I got up and nervously dusted my pants. Her 'What' wasn't a question for clarification but a chance for me to change my words. But that's the thing about soulmates, we already knew what the other meant. 

"I said no. Thanks for offering but I don't need that. You can go back to sleep." I reiterated, collecting my stuff and tearing off the page of the notepad she was writing on. Before I could fold it and put it in my pocket, it was snatched out of my hands. 

I schooled my anger and glanced at Felix again. She sported an expression of annoyance herself, holding the paper close to her body. 

"Let me rephrase that again for you, Your Majesty. I asked you to send someone with tea and my stuff to our room. What I do with that is my own discretion. Neither have I asked your permission nor is your gratitude required. However, if you have a hard time communicating with your servants, I shall not trouble you further. I am grateful for you taking your time out to take care of me but it's time for you to get back to your duties." 

Felix finished her bit and turned around to storm off no doubt. I reached for her arm and tried to stop her from walking away. She didn't turn around but she also stood rooted to her spot. So I closed the space between us. I let go of her arm but kept an eye on it in case I needed to block her again. 

"I am sorry but I can't let you jeopardise your health because of me again and again." I voice earnestly trying to choose my words better this time. It's times like these that I struggle a lot with my words.

Maybe my emotions got to her but she turned around and stared at me. Her eyes guarded glaring right into mine. She took one more deep breath and I prepared myself for the storm. But surprisingly her eyes softened and I could read the pity in her eyes. Pity an emotion I haven't been a receiver of for years. 

Felix placed her hand on my left cheek to direct all my attention to her. As if I could see anything more beyond her gaze or presence in that moment. Hell, the goddess knows I haven't known anything beyond her presence from the second my heart realised she was ill. I grew alert anytime her heart slowed down, I panicked every time her breath grew shallow. I didn't know peace until she woke up again. And now she is telling me she is going to walk that same path again. How can I let that happen?

"Rei, Rei, Rei. Listen to me. Get out of your head." Felix's voice brought me back. 

I didn't even realise that she had both her palms pressed to my chest trying to get me snap out of my brain fog. I don't know if she read my face or my emotions. But her face was filled with concern. 

"Remember what I said in the clearing that day? I still stand by every word I said. Do you? Do you remember to bring me peace and strength? Or have you forgotten about it?" Felix talked at a deliberately slow pace and with clear enunciation. And it worked. The combination of her voice, the words, the moment she was referring to and her presence, pulled me out of my spiral. They became the straw my drowning thoughts desperately wanted. 

"I do. I do remember. Oooo, I'm sorry, I am so so sorry." I apologised as I sat back down again. I could feel Felix's hand combing through my hair and I took a minute to compose myself in their comfort.

After I had gathered my thoughts, I looked up at her standing beside the couch, "I am sorry. I just wasn't in the right state of mind after finding you here alone and ill. And then the curse-"

"You don't need to worry about it." She cut me off. 

"So you can cut me off and I can't," I mumbled catching her hint for me to back off and changing the subject.

She snickered and patted me saying, "You go do your work." Implying that she will go work on whatever she wants. 

I stood up too jokingly commenting, "I need to go get the truth out of others, now that my methods have been successfully forbeared by someone." 

This time I got a full chuckle from Felix, "Well in your defence, I would have given in if you kept staring at me like that for a few more hours. It was HOT."

It was my turn to say what? Is Huxx filling my head with crap or did she really mean wh-

Felix took one look at my face and laughed so loudly, louder than I have ever heard her. This woman and her love for making me nervous, confused and now embarrassed too.  To save my face I left a laughing Felix and made my way to the dungeons. 

I instructed one of the servants to send not only her stuff but also some snacks to our room. Before entering the dungeon I stole a glance at the nearby mirrored surface to fix my hair and tamp down the small smile I have been sporting since I left my room. 

Little did I know that I didn't need to do the latter. Because the signature elegant owl was perched on one of the pillars, ready to deliver a dreadful letter to me once again. I ripped open the letter knowing that this was gonna add to the pile of problems in my life. 

And sure enough, I was right. It said that, 

"The council declines the request of Alpha King Orief Rei Vadeus to crown his soulmate Felix Susan West as the Queen of Werewolf Kingdom."



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