48 | How Long is this going to take?

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I apologies for the extremely late update. But my laptop died and I swear on Rei and Felix, I started writing as soon as it got fixed (which was roughly 6 hours ago). So.... ummmm enjoy?



As soon as Felix touched the sword, it lost all its glow and fell off the pillar. Felix's body was also following the same trajectory straight to the pillar covered in thorns before I hooked my arm around her torso and pulled her back.

Her eyes were closed, her body limp and she was emitting the same light the sword had just a few moments ago.

This woman had no regard for her safety, did she? So I cleaned the snow off a little area, laid my jacket on the ground and placed her on it. I then directed my attention to the sword that had been vibrating ever since I passed over it. Weird.

It was right at the second I had picked up the sword that I heard a deafening sound of footsteps rushing towards me and Felix. Whatever was rushing towards me wasn't human at the most. But whatever it was either had multiple legs or it was multiple things.

I stood in front of Felix so she would be trapped between me and the wall. Away from whatever the hell the world had planned against us now.

A red-tinged foggy shape, loosely shaped like a human was bolted towards me with its fog-like sword slashing at me. Instinctively I raised the Sword of the Demon and defended against the attack of this fog-like creature. To my surprise, the fog persisted and didn't disappear like I was hopping.

There were 100 hundreds of them. Some clearly defined some didn't. I noticed that these figures seemed to get much brighter and brighter red the farther I looked. Was there an indication of their strength or their existence I have only one way of knowing: To attack them head-on.

Which is exactly what I did. I swung the now glowing sword in the face of the incoming figure. Much to my surprise it didn't vaporize as I hoped it would, rather I could feel the flesh-like resistance when the blade made contact with the supposed arm. Thankfully the fog figure reeled back at the attack but charged again at me instantly.

This time when I slashed its neck it vaporized in the air. By the time I had gotten rid of one of them, the rest had filled every inch of the open space in front of me. Various shades of red flocked to me in an instant.

I keep attacking them as much as I can. But they were relentless. They were desperate to reach something. It took me some time to understand they weren't coming for the sword but for Felix.

Felix had been out for 2 hours now and the red fog figures are extremely dense to the point I can make out the silhouette of their apparels. I had the theory they would keep respawning until I re-insert the sword in the slot again. But I can't jeopardize Felix's safety. What if they didn't vanish? What if the sword was the only thing capable of causing any harm? The lack of a plan of action meant that I would have to keep defending till she woke up and at least run away to safety. 

I heard a groan behind me. "..Rrrreeeiiiiiii."

Oh, thank you, Goddess. She is up. 

"Fel- Fefe, Fefe, Are you okay?" I asked, pushing yet another fighter back to give myself space to move and breathe. 

"I am, I am. Just- just give me a second. This was so fucked up." 

"Yes yes take your time," I reassured her, "oh for fuck sake, die already you red rubbish." One of the red fighters has tried to sneak from the sides to attack Felix. 

"What the hell are these Rei?" Felix must have opened her eyes.

"I honestly do not know. You see, I didn't get a chance to chat as I don't speak there language, so sor- OUCH. Why did you hit me?" 

Felix had stood up and was dusting snow off her legs as she just hadn't smacked me. 

"Because you were being a pain in my ass. Now I am gonna push them as far as I can and you put the sword back. I think that should do the trick." She ordered.

"Oh so you think tha- OUCH. What did I do now?" I had been smacked, again. 

"You were being sassy. Now shush." 

Felix took something out of her pocket yet again. It was a bracelet with a shinning yellow bead. From the corner of my eyes, I could see her breaking the bracelet and dividing the beads evenly.

"On the count of 3 okay Rei?"

I shouted a 'yes'. 

"1" She readied her arms chanting something. 

"2" She launched those beads all around us.  Somehow the red figures started fading slowly. 

"3" She threw the rest of the beads and the red almost vanished. 

I didn't miss my chance and inserted the sword into the thorn pillar. But the red figures have started getting stronger again. 

I thought our plan could work but it didn't. Whatever power the beads had was losing as the red started running towards them again. I frantically twisted the sword, hoping that I hadn't just placed it properly.  But no matter what I did, it didn't seem to be making a difference. 

Felix appeared by my side, "Step aside, let me try". So I let her takeover and instead kept an eye on the fighters, ready to pull the sword and defend until I find a way. 

Felix pulled out the sword with her spare hand lightly swiped along her the sharp edge of the blade. As soon as her blood dripped down the shinny blade, she slammed in back into the pillar. And this time when I turned around the red figures were gone and the entire labyrinth was going down another few feet.

I waited with a bated breathe for another few minutes, but the echo of our gasps was the only sound I could hear. I slummed down on the snowy ground in relief, "Finally."

Felix looked at me with a weird expression but my eyes were zeroed on her slightly bleeding hand. "Come here, let me put a bandage on it." 

Surprisingly Felix didn't protest and didn't comment and just walked towards me slowly. When she was close enough I reached out to pull her but Felix had other plans. 

In a flurry she crashed down on in, both her hands caged my face and her lips smacked right onto mine. My entire being stopped. The only thing existed was her chapped lips against mine and her freezing hands on my face. She distanced her face from mine, looking at me with those eyes. And I didn't waste another sec. I put my hand on her neck and pulled her face to me again. 

This time it was me connected our lips. I felt nothing but her. Her near me. Her cold and warm skin against me. I didn't know who did it but by the time my need to breathe resurfaced I was on  the ground flat on my back and Felix was half lying-half straddling me. She hide her face in my neck, breathing as heavily as me. 

I wanted to say and do a lot at the sight of her cute red cheeks but her blood on my face and shirt reminded me that there would be a better place and time for this. 

"Feel free to do that anytime again. I am ready to sit in dirt too. But give me you your hand first." I commented to unclenching her fist from her hold on my shirt. 

So, I sat there awkwardly cleaning and putting bandages on her wound as Felix refused to show me her face. But the feeling surging through wasn't  love but fear.


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