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Dawn. The bearer of good news, the sign of new beginnings, and the cinematic representation of the end of a war.  

However, what this dawn has brought me and my family is nothing but dread. Today is the day me and my mate set off to attempt the Phoneix Rite. 

It's been a week since that night and I feel that breakdown helped us understand each other. Felix will be in a few hours and by noon we will be at the site. Not wanting Felix to see the absolute mess I had made of our room, I threw off the covers and did some cleaning around. 

When I came out of the shower, Felix was tinkering in the room. A few bags were resting on the side. She heard me coming out even with her music blasting at an obnoxious volume. "Good that you are here, I have something important to ask. Come sit." 

So I settled on my usual couch. And Felix unlike usual sat beside me instead of her armchair. 

"Look at me." I did so. "Tell me how are you feeling? What do you think about our plans so far?"

I took a moment to mentally skim through everything we had prepared so far. "I am nervous, to be honest. My gut says we should stay away from this. This is a trap and we are missing something right now. But you look confident and I trust us. So let's finish this once at for all. And use this victory to limit the powers of council."

"I look confident?" She asked rhetorically. "Look at this."

Felix opened her fist and showed me her hands, hands that were clearly shaking. I gently enclosed each of her hands into mine, "Do I- Do I like bring you water or something?" I asked clueless. I know how to deal with her being overwhelmed but I don't know how to deal with her sacred. Flynn never told me about that one. But again which elder sibling shows signs of struggle in front of the young ones. 

"No, I am just as nervous as you. This won't go away until we reach there. Don't worry I will be alright during the need of the hour. That's just how I am." 

Despite her reassurance, I kept looking at her hand and my doubts resurfaced again. But I shook those thoughts away. This wasn't the time to make promises or sink into my thoughts. We aren't headed to war. This isn't the last goodbye before death. It's a stupid rite. We are going to demolish it. Yes. We are going to finish this with ease. 

My mini pep talk came to an end when Felix took her hands away from me and took out something from her bag. "This is the information on the rite that Lady  Ruby secretly sent me. I have read through this, you should too. You will understand why I am nervous."

Felix must have been more nervous than I realised because she was explaining everything written in the paper with scary accuracy I fear how many times she has read this. 

"These slimy old people know that the chances of pushing us back in a physical altercation are slim. So they are challenging us with mental battles—specifically, those we would have a hard time handling. The Labyrinth which was abandoned outside the sacred lands is what they decided to use. We would be dropped randomly inside the labyrinth and our tasks involve us finding and collecting three separate items of significance. However, the items have been bound with different spells. The spells will trap you into a bad memory or a simulation of fears. The memory or fears may be mine, your own or any previous participant, in addition to that the labyrinth is filled with ancient spirits which can turn vengeful or mischievous in any given instance. It's like- It's like they are setting us up for failure. What does this challenge have to do with our compatibility or love? They are just exploiting that loophole and being downright malicious- "

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